Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Faux News is the neo-fascist propaganda arm of the neo-fascist Republican Party

CNN on Monday published a slew of text messages between Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and prominent Republican lawmakers and conservative figures — including Hannity. The Jan. 6 committee has already released several texts exchanged between Meadows and Hannity, but the ones released Monday are particularly striking, demonstrating just how firmly the White House had Hannity secured under its thumb.

“Hey. NC gonna be ok?” Hannity wrote Meadows last Nov. 3, asking whether Meadows’ home state of North Carolina was going to go to Trump.

“Stress every vote matters,” Meadows replied. “Get out and vote. On radio.”

“Yes sir,” Hannity wrote. “On it. Any place in particular we need a push”

Meadows pointed to Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada, in addition to North Carolina. “Got it,” Hannity responded. “Everywhere.”  
Twitter user @acyn responded to CNN’s report by pointing out that Hannity has in the past claimed he is “not told what to say” and that “we have always been independent and follow our on path on this show.”  
We now have pretty hard evidence that Hannity’s highly rated show was basically state-run television while the former president was in office.

That speaks for itself.  

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