Friday, May 27, 2022

The Republican Strategy to make climate change worse

The weather is always changing. We take climate change seriously, but not hysterically. We will not adopt nutty policies that harm our economy or our jobs. -- The one and only mention of climate change in Rick Scott’s 11-point Republican Party plan to destroy America

Yes, there really is a GOP strategy to make sure climate change is not interfered with. This is serious and real, not a joke. The Republican Party goal is staunch, all-out support for continuing to pollute as usual. That Tragedy of the Commons strategy will continue to provide profits to polluters, campaign contributions for Republicans and more environmental damage and misery for the rest of us. The New York Times writes:
How an Organized Republican Effort Punishes Companies for Climate Action

Legislators and their allies are running an aggressive campaign that uses public money and the law to pressure businesses they say are pushing “woke” causes.

In West Virginia, the state treasurer has pulled money from BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, because the Wall Street firm has flagged climate change as an economic risk.

In Texas, a new law bars the state’s retirement and investment funds from doing business with companies that the state comptroller says are boycotting fossil fuels. Conservative lawmakers in 15 other states are promoting similar legislation.

And officials in Utah and Idaho have assailed a major ratings agency for considering environmental risks and other factors, in addition to the balance sheet, when assessing states’ creditworthiness.

Across the country, Republican lawmakers and their allies have launched a campaign to try to rein in what they see as activist companies trying to reduce the greenhouse gases that are dangerously heating the planet.

“We’re an energy state, and energy accounts for hundreds of millions of dollars of tax revenue for us,” said Riley Moore, the West Virginia state treasurer. “All of our jobs come from coal and gas. I mean, this is who we are. This is part of our way of life here in the state. And they’re telling us that these industries are bad.”

“We have an existential threat here,” Mr. Moore said. “We have to fight back.”

In doing so, Mr. Moore and others have pushed climate change from the scientific realm into the political battles already raging over topics like voting rights, abortion and L.G.B.T.Q. issues. In recent months, conservatives have moved beyond tough words and used legislative and financial leverage to pressure the private sector to drop climate action and any other causes they label as “woke.”

“There is a coordinated effort to chill corporate engagement on these issues,” said Daniella Ballou-Aares, chief executive of the Leadership Now Project, a nonprofit organization that wants corporations to address threats to democracy. “And it is an effective campaign. Companies are starting to go into hiding.”
Once again, the GOP’s abject moral rot with its anti-democratic neo-fascism is on display in broad daylight for woke minds to see. Unwoke minds are not going to see it. To those closed minds, climate change is a Chinese hoax, Democratic Party socialist ploy, Democratic pedophilia, liberal atheism or whatever other slanders the Republican propagandists’ focus group data says will be most effective for trapping minds in the GOP’s various mental sewers.

“AMERICANS DESERVE TO KNOW WHAT WE WILL DO WHEN GIVEN THE CHANCE TO GOVERN.” — Rick Scott’s 11-point plan to screw us once the GOP gets back in power, which is going to be pretty soon; what they are going to do is defend and expand pollution and their campaign contributions

Rick Scott’s lies and slanders at the start of  
his evil neo-fascist plan

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