Friday, June 10, 2022

A new twist in the abortion wars

Those Christians are not there to help
They are there to deceive, lie and instill fear and guilt

The Guardian published an interesting article about what happens to some google searches for abortion services.
Google misdirects one in 10 searches for abortion to ‘pregnancy crisis centers’

In US ‘trigger states’ where the procedure may soon be illegal, searchers may be sent to centers that do not actually provide care

One in 10 Google searches for abortion services in US “trigger states”, where the procedure is likely to become illegal if the US supreme court overturns Roe v Wade, are being misdirected to clinics known as “pregnancy crisis centers” that do not actually provide care, according to a new study.

After a leak revealed the US supreme court is on the verge of overturning the landmark abortion rights law Roe v Wade, attention has turned to “trigger law” states that would ban abortion immediately if the decades-old decision is undone.

In more than a dozen such trigger-law states, researchers found, 11% of Google search results for “abortion clinic near me” and “abortion pill” led to “crisis pregnancy centers”, according to misinformation research non-profit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).
This is another example of radical right Christian nationalism (CN) relying on outright deceit to get what it wants. The moral rot that characterizes Republican Party elites also applies to the Christian nationalists, elites and rank and file. 

Why make taxpayers support this sleaze?

For CNs, God's sacred ends justify immoral and sleazy means. God's demands even justify treason as seen by the participation of proud CNs in the 1/6 coup attempt. The radical right's blatant contempt for inconvenient truth and honesty is shameless and boundless.

As discussed here before (and here), radical right anti-abortion Christian groups set up sham abortion services operations in poor neighborhoods. Those centers explicitly advertise themselves as providing abortion services. In fact, they provide anti-abortion propaganda and coercion. 

These 'pregnancy crisis centers" try hard to con pregnant women out of having the abortion they were looking to find help with. These fine Christians use copious amounts of lies, guilt, sleaze and slanders to shame or frighten women into submission so they will carry their fetus to full term and then give birth. God's sacred ends justify Satan's evil means. 

After conning women into having their baby, these heartless Republican motherfuckers then gleefully turn their backs and walk away. They cut public services for women and children because they hate government at least as as much as they hate abortion. The women and babies are left to fend for themselves. 

We can expect the Supreme Court will most likely release its neo-fascist decision to overturn Roe v. Wade at the end of June or maybe a day or two into July. Then, the gutless CN neo-fascist Republican judges will high-tail it out of court and hide behind their annual recess in the hope that the furor will die down so that they can continue dismantling democracy and civil liberties when they get back to work in October. Those stalwart liar justices hope that pregnant women who want to abort a fetus but cannot will just calm down, pull themselves up by their bootstraps, stop whining and get over it. After all, it is womens' fault that they got preggers, even if they were raped. The fetus is God's gift to the woman. 

And, those women damn well better bring that baby up as a good Christian nationalist too. If not, they will be condemned as bad mommies by the arrogant, self-righteous CN deceivers who screwed the women over in the first place with their deceit, lies and coercion.

Q: Was that over the top? If so, oops my bad.[1]

1. In times of trials, tribulations and bullshit, sometimes one's patience is tried. Sometimes one might even get a bit testy about it all. These definitely are times of trials, tribulations and bullshit.

Policy idea: Let's defund Christianity by getting rid of all tax 
breaks, adding tens of billions to the US treasury each year!!

Write to your Senator with this wonderful policy suggestion!

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