Friday, June 17, 2022

How big oil successfully blocked efforts to deal with climate change

Literally, an enemy of the people

In a three part series, investigative reporting from Frontline goes into great detail about what the oil industry knew about climate change and when it was known. The series goes into great detail on the propaganda, divisive lies and outrageous slanders the industry used to deceive, confuse and polarize the public and government about climate change.  

The series is heartbreaking and deeply discouraging about how corrupted by special interests our two-party political system is. To this day, Exxon-Mobile still lies and publicly claims that it never lied or misled anyone about climate change science at any time. Exxon's lies are jaw-droppingly brazen and in-your-face arrogant. About the same applies to the rabidly pro-pollution Koch Industries, which is another major player in special interests' successful effort to block environmental regulations.

For me, the series is too upsetting to watch all at once. I can take doses of about 15-20 minutes before having to turn it off.

Here are links to the series:

The Power of Big Oil (Part 2: Doubt) 54:52

The Power of Big Oil (Part 3: Delay) 54:22
A couple of points partly summarize what went on and is still going on today.
  • Denial, doubt and delay are propaganda tactics common to all political and commercial demagogues; demagoguery isn't just for politics, it is for all kinds of demagogues in all kinds of situations; demagoguery is common in politics, religion and commerce
  • Special interests have been using denial, doubt and delay propaganda tactics for decades, if not centuries; the cigarette industry knew they were selling death, but successfully used the same tactics that Exxon used and still uses to defend its ability to profit from its pollution
  • The modern Republican Party has successfully subverted and broken government, in significant part by using denial, doubt and delay propaganda tactics 
  • The modern Republican Party has successfully eroded social trust and civility, in significant part by using denial, doubt and delay propaganda tactics 
  • Modern big tech companies are now fighting off regulations in significant part by using denial, doubt and delay propaganda tactics 
  • Denial, doubt and delay propaganda tactics always or nearly always accrue benefits to rich and powerful elites, at the expense of the public interest; those tactics are a significant part of the Tragedy of the Commons Americans are facing all the time

Another enemy of the people

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