Tuesday, June 14, 2022

John Oliver talks about tech monopolies

In this 26:49 video, John Oliver talks about monopolies and how they fight hard and dirty top protect their profits and markets from competition. He starts with some brief comments about the breakup of Standard Oil and AT&T, then moves on to Apple, Google and Amazon.

Although the video is long, it is well worth the time. It's about as funny as a serious talk about the power and poison of monopolies can be. There's some pretty funny commentary here, including a brief but great digression into the intelligent evil and malice of dolphins.

Given the power of monopoly money to subvert and corrupt our broken congress, two narrow bills pending in congress intended to partly defang the tech giants probably won't pass. They are the Open App Markets Act and the American Choice and Innovation Online Act. As usual, conflicts of interest and ethical sleaze are all over the place with congress. Schumer's daughters work for Amazon. That says it all. Those two bills are probably dead, probably leaving us screwed.

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