Thursday, June 16, 2022

Life for women living in dictatorships

Since America is moving into a long period of Republican Party neo-fascist authoritarianism that is heavily tainted with intense animosity toward women, racial and ethnic minorities and non-heterosexual people, it is time for some examples of what that dictatorship will be like in the US. The New York Times writes:
BEIJING — The man walked into a barbecue restaurant in northern China and approached a table of three women. He put his hand on the back of one, who shook him off. In response, he slapped her — then, with several other men, savagely beat her and the other women, hitting them with chairs, kicking them and dragging them outdoors.

Thugs beating women at the restaurant
the attacked women are laying on the ground 
and going to get beat some more

Another thug attacking another woman in
another restaurant in China's 
wonderful dictatorship

Maybe it is over the top to think that this kind of savagery will rise once the voters put Republicans back in power. But, given the rigid Christian nationalist dogma of the inferiority of women and hated non-White out-groups, maybe this isn't all that exaggerated. Human males are human males, not fuzzy bunnies. Dictatorships are dictatorships, not girl scouts singing Kumbaya and roasting marshmallows around the campfire. 

Put the two key ingredients together, rotten dictator dogma and rotten personal attitude toward alleged enemies, and what can one reasonably expect could happen? Men savagely beating women because their manhood feels threatened. That perceived but not real threat pisses them off so much that they lose emotional control and o out and beat women up to make themselves and their hurt widdle fee-fees all better.

When you are used to privilege,
equality feels like oppression

IMHHO (double humble), that kind of savagery in China is what the modern Republican Party is moving America toward. That is what the GOP stands for. Yes, some Republican males truly oppose such senseless savagery. Good for them. But there are a hell of a lot of them who are susceptible to urges that the GOP cynically and ruthlessly foments in its endless and increasingly pro-violence dark free speech.

What's going around in China, can come around in America.

In case we forget, here are a few images of angry White Republican males marching in Charlottesville in 2017. These White men look to be very pissed off. Presumably, they feel very threatened. Threatened by what? Cynical, divisive Republican Party lies and hate-fomenting propaganda. 

Deceived and betrayed morons with flags and hurt fee-fees

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