Saturday, June 11, 2022

Origins of wokeness: Marxism vs. liberalism

This fascinating 24 minute video by Ryan Chapman (YouTube home page) explains the origins of modern wokeness in Marxism and liberalism, and the core trait of wokeness that focuses on fighting against oppression of the the oppressed class (the workers) by the oppressor class (the bourgeoisie). 

According to Chapman, liberalism is the ideology that people should be free to think and act for themselves and own property. Marx argued that aspect of classical liberalism (freedom and property) is the source of class oppressors and oppressed. I guess it boils down to the idea that people who own a lot of property tends to have a lot of power and they have the freedom to oppress a lot of people who don't have much property.

The lecture defines key terms clearly. It is direct and clear in the line of reasoning that wokeness is basically Marxist, at least in terms of the idea of class struggle and how to deal with it, i.e., cancel culture in modern times. This will be a real eye opener for a lot of people, probably most Americans, including many or most of those who are active in the wokeness movement.

Acknowledgement: Thanks to milo for posting this in a comment here several days ago. I just came across it this morning. My bad. ☹️

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