Sunday, June 19, 2022

Trump supporters dig in: Odds of violence increase, while thin rule of law is winning

The AP writes in an article entitled, Jan. 6 witnesses push Trump stalwarts back to rabbit hole:
One by one, several of Donald Trump’s former top advisers have told a special House committee investigating his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection that they didn’t believe his lies about the 2020 election, and that the former president knew he lost to Joe Biden.

But instead of convincing Trump’s most stalwart supporters, testimony from former attorney general Bill Barr and Trump’s daughter Ivanka about the election and the attack on the U.S. Capitol is prompting many of them to simply reassert their views that the former president was correct in his false claim of victory.

Barr’s testimony that Trump was repeatedly told there was no election fraud? He was paid off by a voting machine company, according to one false claim that went viral this week. Ivanka Trump saying she didn’t believe Trump either? It’s all part of Trump’s grand plan to confuse his enemies and save America.

The claims again demonstrate how deeply rooted Trump’s false narrative about the election has become.
Continuing dark free speech from the radical right leads to false beliefs and hate that will lead to more violence. The Washington Post writes:
One of two Republican members of the House committee investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, starkly warned Sunday that his own party’s lies could feed additional violence.

“There is violence in the future, I’m going to tell you,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), on ABC’s “This Week.” “And until we get a grip on telling people the truth, we can’t expect any differently.”

Kinzinger, who defied party leadership by serving on the Democratic-led committee, described an alarming message he received at home in the mail several days ago threatening to execute him, his wife and their 5-month-old baby.

Public officials have been inundated with threats in recent months, many spurred by former president Donald Trump’s continued obsession with the baseless claim that his 2020 loss was the result of a vast conspiracy of fraud. The Washington Post last year tracked how election administrators in at least 17 states received threats of violence in the months after the Jan. 6 attack, often sparked directly by comments from Trump.
Sooner or later, the ex-president's vitriol and lies will lead to more violence than he has already incited. The Republican Party is not backing down one iota. It is digging in and planning for continuing and intensifying its all-out war against democracy, civil liberties, secularism, pluralism, truth and the separation of church and state.

Worse, some professional news sources are starting to report that it will be hard or impossible to convict the ex-president of any his crimes associated with his 1/6 coup attempt. The rule of law is in full blown failure in the face of professional white collar criminals and traitors. Plausible deniability and subverted judges protect them.

If nothing from 1/6 is prosecutable, that leaves the felony obstruction of justice crimes the ex-president committed during the Mueller investigation. There is no hint that Merrick Garland and his DoJ has any interest in prosecuting those crimes. That leaves probably all of the ex-president's crimes as big, fat nothingburgers in the blind eyes of American law.

The Republican Party believes in thin RoL,
but it opposes thick RoL and works to weaken it

Q: Who controls most contract power (> ~90%) 
and most property (> ~80%)?
A: Wealthy and powerful elites,
not average citizens

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