Sunday, June 12, 2022

White domestic terrorists stopped while trying to do their thing

Arresting bigoted White terrorists before they
could attack and/or murder innocent people they hate

Bigoted and/or racist White supremacists are among the top terrorist threats in the US at present. The Spokesman-Review writes:
‘Little army’ of 31 masked Patriot Front members arrested in Coeur d’Alene 
near Pride in the Park

Police in Coeur d’Alene arrested 31 masked members of a white nationalist group suspected of conspiring to riot in the city’s downtown on the same day as a scheduled Pride in the Park event nearby.

The arrested men of “Patriot Front” arrived in Coeur d’Alene inside a U-Haul truck that police pulled over. Only one was from Idaho. The rest came from Washington, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia and Wyoming. Among the arrested is the national leader of the group, Thomas Rousseau, according to the Kootenai County Jail roster.

Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said the group evidently “came to riot downtown.” White said the group also had “paperwork” that appeared similar to a police or military operations plan.

The arrests became a spectacle as onlookers watched and used cellphones to take video and pictures of numerous police officers standing by as others rolled up the rear door of the U-Haul near the Paul Bunyan restaurant to reveal more than two dozen men wearing khakis, blue shirts and coats, white balaclavas and baseball caps. The U-Haul was eventually towed away.


An unmasked angry White bigot boy going to 
the slammer where he belongs

Why is it always males, especially T**** supporters? 
Are they just evil, stupid, something else or 
all three?

“Patriot Front” my ass. They are not patriots. They are murderous White neo-fascist terrorists and traitors. No doubt they support T****. They are fine Republicans in good standing with the neo-fascist GOP. Marjorie Taylor Greene will probably be Tweeting in their defense soon claiming something crackpot like fluoride in the water and/or Hunter Biden's laptop made them go out to attack non-heterosexual people.

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