Sunday, January 22, 2023

Decisions, decisions…

Are you a “one-issue above all” voter?  Many people are. For example:

  • The religious often vote strictly on the abortion issue.
  • Gun advocates often vote strictly on more lax gun laws. 
  • Health professionals often vote strictly on medical issues (prescription costs, universal healthcare, etc.). 
  • Gay people often vote strictly on more sexual equality rights.
  • PeTA members often vote strictly for the candidate who promotes animal rights.
  • Etc.


  1. What are your political issues? 
  2. Does one issue trump all others? 
  3. How do you reconcile your vote if your potential candidate has some views that match yours, and others that do not?  What factor is the “clincher/decider” for you to give them your vote?

Thanks for favoriting and posting.

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