Sunday, February 26, 2023

News bits: About breaking American up; GOP demagoguery

Does the GOP reject democracy?: The New Republic writes:
Our political divides seem more intractable now than at any other time in living memory.

In this grim hour, the nation naturally turns to one of its leading political thinkers: Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. Her proposed solution is simple. “We need a national divorce,” she wrote on Twitter on February 20. “We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government. Everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the [Democrats’] traitorous America Last policies, we are done.”
Greene’s vision is not just about realizing conservative policy ideas—it is an authoritarian rejection of democratic government itself.

Greene’s call, however, is not a cure for the disease in our body politic but a symptom of it. Every call for the United States to break apart or divide itself based on the political factions of the moment are built on a fantasy. In that fantasy, the proponents get to live in a world where everything they want comes true, and the perceived opponents finally get the self-inflicted comeuppance that they and their ideas deserve. Greene’s vision is not just about realizing conservative policy ideas—it is an authoritarian rejection of democratic government itself.

Greene said that she thought the two sides of American politics had reached the point of “irreconcilable differences” on a variety of topics. “I’ll speak for the right and say, we are absolutely disgusted and fed up with the left cramming and forcing their ways on us and our children with no respect for our religion/faith, traditional values, and economic & government policy beliefs,” Greene explained.  
“Perhaps some blue states would even likely have government funded Antifa communists training schools,” Greene added, almost as an afterthought. “I mean elected Democrats already support Antifa, so why not.”  
After a national divorce, Greene claimed, red states would be able to ban transgender people from everyday life, use fossil fuels whenever possible, throw out ESG (environmental, social, and governance) requirements for businesses, treat police officers as “heroes” instead of “racists,” secure the border, and hold in-person elections without voter fraud. Blue states could abolish the police, let dead people vote, and eliminate guns and private property.
So exactly what are the all bad things the left has crammed and forced on the right? Forced birth laws? Nope. Those come from the right. Severe restrictions on religious freedoms or tax subsidies for religion? Nope. Free and fair elections? Yes, but the right is getting rid of that. Civil liberties? Arguably, but the radical right is getting rid of those too. Severe limits on gun ownership? Nope, not according to majority public opinion. Medicare and social security? Yes, but it seems that most of the right likes those things too. Antifa communist training schools and let dead people vote? Those lies are QAnon-level crackpottery. Abolish the police? No blue state has done that. Another radical right lie. Critical race theory? Nope, for the most part. 

Does the radical right respect values and economic & government policy beliefs of the left? Hell no. The right insults and slanders liberals. The radical right calls liberal values and beliefs socialist tyranny, pedophilia, evil and etc. This is more evidence of how far into deranged anti-democratic authoritarianism and anti-inconvenient truth the GOP has degenerated into.


Republican elites demagogue Democrats: The Hill writes:
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) attacked Democrats ahead of a potential 2024 White House bid, accusing the party on Sunday of “working on a blueprint on how to ruin America.”

“The left is trying to sell a drug of victimhood and the narcotic of despair,” Scott said during an interview on “Fox News Sunday.”

“The left today seems to be working on a blueprint on how to ruin America.”  
Scott on Sunday, however, argued that pointing at the failures of the Democratic Party shouldn’t be considered negative.

“Why is that negative to point out the fact that under Joe Biden’s leadership, we’ve had the highest inflation in 40 years?” the senator asked.
Right, Biden alone caused global inflation. Things like the war in Ukraine, climate change, corporate price gouging and past Republican policies have nothing to do with it. That’s standard radical right GOP lies- and slanders-laden demagoguery. 

And, the radical right, including Scott, do not play the victimhood card? What a blatant hypocrite. Republicans whine about their victimhood all the time.


More radical right Republican demagoguery: The Hill Writes:
Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) slammed President Biden for his approach toward relations with China on Sunday, accusing him of attempting to appease Beijing.

“All that Biden does is pacify China,” Scott told John Catsimatidis on WABC’s “Cats Roundtable,” adding, “I don’t know what it is, but this is a guy who won’t stand up to dictators around the world.”
This shameless hypocrisy comes from Rick Scott. Scott never criticized Trump for his open support of dictatorship, including the murdering dictators in Russia and North Korea. He does not criticize Republicans in congress who want to stop supporting Ukraine and allowing the Russian dictator to murder everyone he wants. Scott does not criticize nationwide authoritarian Republican laws that subvert free and fair elections. Scott should criticize himself because he and other Republican Senators endorse the killing of Hungarian democracy by Viktor Orban:
Sen. Rick Scott of Florida insisted that “everybodys got different views” on Hungarys leadership and pivoted to criticizing American democracy. He said he had a Hungarian friend whos considering moving back to his home country if the US “keeps going down this path of systemic socialism.”
Systemic socialism? What is that? Whatever it is, we can trust Scott to keep it a well-guarded secret. It’s the popular KYMS rhetorical tactic at work. 

KYMS = keep your mouth shut

Yup, everybody’s got different views, 
but hypocrisy is still hypocrisy and 
that sometimes includes different views

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