Monday, February 6, 2023

News bits: Bad Dem messaging; Better Repub messaging; etc.

Dem messaging sucks: The WaPo writes:

Americans not feeling impact of Biden agenda, Post-ABC poll finds

More than 6 in 10 say the president has not accomplished much, despite the passage of numerous bills

Repubs think Biden is evil


Repubs ramp up their messaging: The WaPo writes:
Awakening from a traditional media hibernation, House Republicans have begun to blitz the airwaves they previously shunned with brushoffs about the “lamestream media.”

But this pivot for House Republicans comes after a prolonged standoff with the more-traditional media outlets that came under attack during, and after, Donald Trump’s grievance-driven presidency.

Following his lead, some Republicans shunned those outlets under the allegation that they were biased, part of an emerging view by far-right consultants who advise candidates essentially to shun all media except friendly outlets.
IMO, it's a mistake to give radical right Repubs public exposure. What they mostly do is demagogue, lie, divide, slander and irrationally emotionally manipulate. Other than the radical right, who needs that garbage? Our media really is lamestream.


From the dark free speech files, anti-vaxxer's vicious tactics: For some people, all it takes to foment distrust, slanders and false beliefs that can kill is brazen lying. Just make stuff up out of nothing at all, and then just say it loud and proud in public. The AP writes about a current bit of anti-vaxx lies in a murderous crackpot movement called #diedsuddenly: 
Results from 6-year-old Anastasia Weaver’s autopsy may take weeks. But online anti-vaccine activists needed only hours after her funeral this week to baselessly blame the COVID-19 vaccine.

A prolific Twitter account posted Anastasia’s name and smiling dance portrait in a tweet with a syringe emoji. A Facebook user messaged her mother, Jessica Day-Weaver, to call her a “murderer” for having her child vaccinated.

In reality, the Ohio kindergartner had experienced lifelong health problems since her premature birth, including epilepsy, asthma and frequent hospitalizations with respiratory viruses. “The doctors haven’t given us any information other than it was due to all of her chronic conditions. ... There was never a thought that it could be from the vaccine,” Day-Weaver said of her daughter’s death.

But those facts didn’t matter online, where Anastasia was swiftly added to a growing list of hundreds of children, teens, athletes and celebrities whose unexpected deaths and injuries have been incorrectly blamed on COVID-19 shots. Using the hashtag #diedsuddenly, online conspiracy theorists have flooded social media with news reports, obituaries and GoFundMe pages in recent months, leaving grieving families to wrestle with the lies.

There’s the 37-year-old Brazilian television host who collapsed live on air because of a congenital heart problem. The 18-year-old unvaccinated bull rider who died from a rare disease. The 32-year-old actress who died from bacterial infection complications.
There it is. Lies that can kill and inflict senseless mental anguish. People read about all the suddenly dead people who the vaccine allegedly killed. Many of those deceived people then refuse the vaccine because they falsely think it kills lots of people. Others, like the vicious witch who publicly called Anastasia's mom a murderer, spread her baseless slander without regard for truth or how much needless pain she caused. 

Good 'ole dark free speech. The endless plague on humanity. 

I used to have sympathy for people deceived by demagoguery, lies and the like. These days, my sympathy molecules for that have mostly been used up. Spreaders if lies, slanders and whatnot dark things are adults. They morally responsible for their unjustifiable, murderous behavior. It's bad that they are not legally responsible for just about any of the harm and damage they cause.

It sad and scary that people like Elon Musk defend and enable filth like this instead of trying to tamp it down. We live in times where cruelty and viciousness are celebrated, defended and accepted as free speech that is just as good as actual honest speech. There are a lot of deeply fucked up Americans traipsing around spreading their lethal poison and killing people.

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