Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tales from the Crypt: Issue #1

I sense fatigue with posts that keep bashing the GOP, Christian nationalism and brass knuckles capitalism. So, I'll occasionally post a bit or two from radical right websites to convey the flavor and aroma that drives the radical right’s ruthless push to make America a corrupt, brutal, immoral tyranny-theocracy again. These crypt tales are intended to give us glimpses of what the radical right sees, says, thinks and believes.

From the Crypt: Useless vaccines and sanctions
This bit of darkness comes from the American Thinker, which is one of the more hard edged sites out there. It banned me back in 2016 before Trump and the GOP stole the election from voters and the constitution. 

This screed provides the public with a twofer gut punch to inconvenient truth and good faith rhetoric. Not only have COVID vaccines allegedly been useless, but so have Russian sanctions. The AT writes:
Russian Sanctions Have Proved as Useless as COVID Vaccines
In teasing an imminent re-election announcement from President Braindead, pretend medical doctor Jill Biden recently bragged that her husband had "brought us out of the chaos." Brought us out of the chaos? Both inflation and illegal immigration are out of control, Americans' financial security is in tatters, forced "vaccinations" did nothing to curb COVID, and we're closer to WWIII than ever before. If this is Slow Joe's idea of "smooth sailing," then nuclear Armageddon is nothing but "a bit of a rough patch."

Just what do Jill and her Marxist mavens smoke that so twists their noggins into thinking that the nation is in better shape since they took control of D.C. behind barbed-wire fences, sandbag barricades, and military troops? Under President Trump — the guy they call "chaos" — the economy was roaring, America was energy independent, blue-collar jobs were returning, a border wall was being built, the U.S. was maneuvering around China to engage North Korea directly, Russia was not invading foreign territories, historic peace between Israel and her Muslim neighbors was breaking out, and the White House had refrained from starting any new wars. The years between Trump's inauguration and the release of the "Chinese Flu" biological weapon were the most prosperous and tranquil in quite some time — unless you felt perpetually "triggered" by truthful "mean tweets."  
.... long screed full of lies, slanders, hypocrisy, crackpottery, hate, rage, etc. ....
If Biden's COVID policies have broken the U.S. Constitution, his Russia policies have helped break the world. That's an awful lot of destruction for a confused man who struggles to form sentences, control his temper, or remember names.
Here's a couple of comments:

I can tell you why they think they are succeeding. The whole point of Progressive/Marxism is to destroy America. That's their goal and they are doing it. Don't be delusional about who we are dealing with or think there's some way we can work through this by discussing it rationally.
This entire administration, is based upon a Cloward-Piven strategy, which is all about creating chaos, in order to achieve their goals. Our southern border is a prime example of this.
Well, that was refreshing. Gotta take a shower now.  

Q: Is it useful to get occasional exposure to the flavor and aroma of what the radical right sees, says, thinks and believes, or do we already know and don't need the darkness?

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