Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Christian nationalist “Jesus, He gets us” propaganda campaign

Love the sinner, hate the sin is a standard Christian nationalist (CN) lie. The reality is: Hate the sinner and the sin, but lie about it. 

We now get to experience a new, deeper level of propaganda cynicism and shameless lies from the morally rotted CN fundamentalist theocrats who successfully attacked reproductive rights in the famous 2014 Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case.[1] 

This immoral propaganda campaign shows (1) the heavy reliance of CN on dark free speech, especially lies of omission, and (2) CN fear about an documented increasing abandonment of Christian fundamentalism. CN is an enraged, wounded poison-fanged monster with no moral compass. It is openly fighting for power and wealth.

NPR broadcast this 4:30 minute interview:

Key points:
  • Claiming that Jesus was an immigrant and thus persecuted hides hypocritical CN propaganda vilifying immigrants [and secularism, civil liberties, democracy, women, non-believers (like me! 😘) and the LGBQT community] 
  • CN religious leaders openly attack and vilify liberals and Democrats as evil, but then they turn on a dime and try to coax the evil ones into church attendance 
  • This propaganda campaign is funded by a group The Signatry, which operates in as much secrecy as possible to hide the identity of the donors as much as possible

Commentary: CN and the MSM
NPR comments: 
NPR’s Scott Detrow talks with Religion News Service’s Bob Smietana about the “He Gets Us” campaign, which is spending millions to promote Jesus while its funding and overall goal remain unclear.
Once again, the MSM gets it seriously wrong. The funding and overall goal of this propaganda campaign are obvious: Even more power and wealth for the elites running the toxic, theocratic CN political movement. 

Honestly, WTF is wrong with NPR? NPR can’t possibly be stupid enough to not see what is going on here. NPR has reported on the CN movement before, so ignorance cannot be the excuse. Most likely, money is the excuse.

This exemplifies a key reason a person can reasonably accord the MSM a grade of F. The MSM continues with reporting that is unjustifiable and just plain wrong. If we manage somehow to save our democracy, secularism and civil liberties, it will be despite the MSM’s constant failures, not because of its occasional successes.

Q:  Is it rational and justifiable to feel a surge of serious anger at both NPR and the MSM generally, and the CN political movement in view of this news? Or, is anger irrational and/or unwarranted, e.g., because this is just politics, propaganda and news reporting as usual, and/or because I am an atheist and thus a bit of the unworthy scum in the CN’s crosshairs?

1. WikipdeiaBurwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., 573 U.S. 682 (2014), is a landmark decision in United States corporate law by the United States Supreme Court allowing privately held for-profit corporations to be exempt from a regulation its owners religiously object to, if there is a less restrictive means of furthering the law's interest, according to the provisions of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.

And then the CN movement howls about harmless, innocent Christians being constantly persecuted and threatened in secular America. Those howls come despite religion-protecting layers of constitution and law, and overwhelming Christian dominance of all of American society. That’s the effective and always popular CN persecution myth. It works like a toxic charm.

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