Saturday, February 11, 2023

Well, I gotta admit, I am impressed!

 Are all right leaning media outlets the same? Are all pro-Republican outlets full of you-know-what?

Maybe not after reading this:

If you’re ‘not woke,’ doesn’t that mean you’re asleep?

The craziest political word of the year is “woke,” as in “Don’t be woke!” It’s a command barked by far-right-wing fomenters of a hokey culture war and their political toadies.
Their intent is to demonize and shut up schoolteachers, preachers, librarians, historians, musicians, students, websites, business executives and any sensible human who dares speak (and act on) the truth that racism, sexism, poverty, environmental degradation and such are systemic blights in America. These pious censors of reality proclaim that anyone presenting less than a morally pure portrait of our history and society is a traitor whose voice must be suppressed.
Social, economic and cultural awakenings are what have made America historically significant. A political party screaming “Don’t be woke” is a party afraid of the people, wanting you, me and civil society to be asleep, out of it, in dreamland, torpid, inactive… dead. Are they stupid, or do they just hope we are?

Doesn't the above read like something you would find in a leftwing rag? Well, guess again:

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