Monday, February 27, 2023

WTF? COPYPASTA? IS this thing for real??

 OK OK, it is bad enough we have to sift through fake news, biased news, partisan news, but now Pasta isn't even sacred?


16 Misleading (or False) Examples of 'Copypasta' Messages

This type of post asks people to copy, paste and share text — and doesn't always relay the truth.

We often receive emails asking us to fact-check "copypasta" messages going viral online. These are claims that spread by being copied and pasted on Facebook or other social media platforms, and don't always contain facts.

Often, these copypastas will ask to pass along information that otherwise you wouldn't know, or claim to have a solution to a worrisome issue. Ultimately, though, the messages have no other goal than to trick or embarrass the people sharing them.

Here are 16 misleading — or outright false — copypasta messages that have spread across social media since 2020, capturing the attention of Snopes' fact-checkers.



One copypasta falsely claimed Kamala Harris was a "marxist by association."

Before the inauguration of U.S. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in January 2021, a popular copypasta alleged she had "Close Ties with Marxists, Communists, Maoists, and Socialists." The false assertion drew on "guilt by association," a logical fallacy that casts people in a negative light by associating them with others considered to have done something wrong. (You can read the full story here.)

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