Friday, March 10, 2023

Hear ye, hear ye...

The warnings are coming fast and furious now.  Trump indictments coming soon!

I don’t know, but I’m having visions of “The Boy(s) Who Cried Wolf.”  

In other words, I’ve seen the Trump movie enough times, and heard about Trump getting his “comeuppance” ad nauseam, that I’ve got to see it to believe it.  Yeah, “Fool me once…” Syndrome has set in for me.

So, what do you think? 

  1. Will the news of these indictments pan out?  If yes, how soon before at least one of them happens?  I'm not asking what the NEWS thinks; I'm asking what YOU think.
  2. What will be their ramifications?  (E.g., Jail time for Trump [there’s a laugh], big fines, will it bolster his chances “bigly” of getting the Republican nomination because he’s been wrongfully accused [poor me…witch-hunted], etc.)  What do you see happening to Trump and his brand?
  3. Of all Trump’s “legal problems” (tax evasion, stolen classified documents, 1/6 insurrection incitement, hush money payments to porn stars, interference in the 2020 election), what is the most egregious?  Rank them in order of legal seriousness, as you see them.

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