Friday, March 17, 2023

News bits: How Christian nationalism works and what it wants to do to us

Alaska drops policy banning discrimination against LGBTQ individuals

On the advice of the state’s attorney general, Alaska’s civil rights agency quietly deleted language promising equal protections for LGBTQ Alaskans against most categories of discrimination, and it began refusing to investigate complaints.
That’s just standard radical right Christian Nationalist (CN) bigotry at work poisoning minds with lies, hate and intolerance and ruining innocent lives.


The courier journal in Kentucky writes:
At 11th hour, Kentucky Republicans resurrect, expand and pass anti-trans bill

Gov. Andy Beshear, a Democrat, now has 10 days to either veto or sign Senate Bill 150 into law. Beshear is widely expected to veto the bill. Kentucky’s Republican-led legislature, though, will be able to override his veto when it returns for the final two days of the legislative session on March 29 and 30.
That’s just standard radical right CN bigotry at work poisoning minds with lies, hate and intolerance and ruining innocent lives.


A bill sponsored by a Texas legislator advances a cherished CN goal of diverting tax funds to religious purposes:
Texas SJR76

Proposing a constitutional amendment to repeal the constitutional provision that prohibits the appropriation of state money or property for the benefit of any sect, religious society, or theological or religious seminary.
That’s just part of the standard radical right CN effort to sink its morally rotted claws into as many tax dollars as possible. The radical CN theocrat goal is to kill secularism and eliminate tolerance of diversity in American government, society, education and commerce. Part of that goal is the cherished objective of 100% obliterating the doctrine of church-state separation (CSS) and the constitution’s Establishment Clause. No, arguing the goal is 100% obliterating CSS is not hyperbole. It is core CN dogma.


NLRB case No. 31-RC-312064 exemplifies the legal tactics that the radical right CN power and wealth movement successfully uses by force of law to inject Christian fundamentalism into all aspects of American life and society, in this instance medical care. These are from the complaint a fanatic religious hospital filed against the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board):
1. This is a suit by Loma Linda – Inland Empire Consortium for Healthcare Education d/b/a Loma Linda University Health Education Consortium (“LLUHEC”) seeking a judgment declaring that the National Labor Relations Board (“Board” or “NLRB”) lacks jurisdiction over LLUHEC, ordering the Board to immediately dismiss case numbers 31-RC- 312064 and 31-CA-312278, issuing a preliminary and permanent injunction requiring the Board to desist from further processing case numbers 31-RC-312064 and 31-CA-312728 except as necessary to effectuate their immediate dismissal, ....

20. The Church has a long-standing and well-established doctrine against joining, recognizing or bargaining with labor organizations that is founded on firmly-rooted religious principles.

22. The Supreme Court in NLRB v. Catholic Bishop, 404 U.S. 490 (1979) (“Catholic Bishop”) held that the Board lacks jurisdiction over church-affiliated educational institutions.

36. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act prohibits the federal government from substantially burdening a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, unless the government demonstrates that the burden is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest and is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling interest. 42 U.S.C. §2000bb-1(a) and (b).

37. The Church has a long-standing and well-established teaching against joining, recognizing or bargaining with labor organizations that is founded on firmly-rooted religious principles, including the interference with free religious exercise and commitment to God resulting from such relationships.

38. If the Church were to be ordered by the Board to recognize and bargain with the Union, it would be forced under the threat of civil sanction to act contrary to its long-standing and well-established religious teachings regarding labor organizations.

39. Being forced to choose between adhering to the tenets of its faith or suffering civil sanctions is coercive and substantially burdens LLUHEC’s exercise of its religion.
Translated into American, the church argues that it can completely ignore labor unions and labor laws because they unduly burden the church's freedom of speech, free exercise of religion and whatever else that radical right theocrat lawyers can dream up and the radical right, CN Supreme Court will accept.

This line of legal reasoning is not limited to labor disputes! Aggressive CN lawyers are applying the same rationale to every issue where the church opposes laws designed to protect out-groups that God hates and demands to be oppressed, discriminated against and brainwashed by shameless CN lies, deceit, slanders, crackpottery and false history narratives.  

Christian Nationalist Former Lawmaker Wants Right-Wing Evangelicals to 
‘Take Authority’ Over All Levels of Government

Jason Rapert, a former Arkansas state senator and founder of the National Association of Christian Lawmakers, appeared on the “Give Me Liberty” program late last year and laid out his vision for a nation in which every congressional seat is occupied by Christian conservatives.

A longtime religious-right activist and ardent Christian nationalist, Rapert declared on the December 17, 2022 episode of the “Give Me Liberty” show that right-wing Christians must rise up and “take authority” over everything from their local school boards to the federal government.

“When people quote the Bible and say, ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord’—Psalm 33:12—how in the world do you expect to ever have that if you are not electing somebody that would adhere to that worldview?” Rapert asked. “You can’t have a nation whose God is the Lord when you’re electing people that are holding up Sodom and Gomorrah as a goal to be achieved rather than a sin to be shunned.”
That’s just standard radical right CN dogma out there poisoning minds with lies, hate and intolerance, ruining innocent lives and attacking democracy, secularism and inconvenient truth. As far as the CN movement is concerned, bad people like me are just human filth to be shut up by force and oppressed into non-existence. That’s the Old Testament Christian Sharia law goal.

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