Monday, March 27, 2023

Not Your Average JOE

 In case you haven't heard:

National Joe Day

National Joe Day is somewhat of a different holiday that falls on the 27th of March every year. It’s a holiday in which people celebrate the name Joe and all of the people they know with that name.

How To Observe National Joe Day

National Joe Day is probably one of the easiest holidays to celebrate. On this day, all a person has to do is to celebrate a Joe in your life, celebrate a famous Joe, or even change your own name to Joe for the day. People can also use the day to enjoy a hot cup of Joe or even a plate of sloppy Joes.

Now, which Joes should we celebrate?

Joe Biden? One of the most successful Presidents ever in terms of legislation passed during his first term, but still, for some reason, immensely unpopular? Any theories as to way?

How about Joe Manchin? Somehow, he always does manage to coming around to supporting the other Joe's agenda, though he likes to drag it out before he does and is still beholding to the oil industry. But, he does manage to stay popular in a red district. A pain in the butt? Or a surviver?

Of course we could go way OUT there and give some love to:

Joe Exotic

Such a handsome fellow, agree?

If you want more on politics, there is also:

The anti-Trump Republican, not the rock star. Mind you, has his star faded? I seldom see any more interesting news items on him.

SO, who are your favorite Joes, your least favorite Joes, or are there any Joes you know personally you want to give a big shout out to on this National Joe Day?

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