Saturday, March 4, 2023

The list of bad policies and authoritarianism that liberalism and Democrats advocate

I made a list of the bad things that old-fashioned conservatives and the American radical right (collectively the right) tends to criticize and accuse the Democrats and liberalism of doing or advocating. I have bookmarked this link for easy personal access. Now I don't have to rely on my sometimes faulty memory to recall the major complaints the right commonly levels against the left. Of course, not all people on the right believe all of these bad things about liberalism, but I bet that most (~90% ?) would agree with at least half of them. Given the bitter complaints the right constantly levels against the left, having a list for handy reference feels like it could be helpful sometimes. 

The list of bad or worse the right accuses the left of doing or advocating 
1. teaching CRT and indoctrination of public school and university students with false, rewritten history such as land being stolen or taken by force from American Indians, and (ii) alleged but false effects of systemic racism on minorities 
2. gender fluidity indoctrination of public school students, especially young children in grade and middle school, but also in high school 
3. ruthless reliance on divisive, identity politics that divides, polarizes and disinforms society and damages democracy 
4. blaming the right for ruthless divisive, identity politics that divides, polarizes and disinforms society and damages democracy 
5. being too subjective and easy about public school grades, especially for non-White students 
6. unfair and/or unconstitutional affirmative action in college admissions, with admissions based on self-described representations instead of actual, demonstrated merit 
7. radical socialism/communism with advocacy of catastrophic raids on wealth, meaning proposing unreasonably increased taxes on wealth (wealth being undefined) 
8. anti-Semitism 
9. attacks on Christians and Christianity amounting to severe persecution of religion and a heavy burden on, and threat to, religious freedom 
10. attacks on capitalism in the form of unreasonably high taxes, unreasonably stringent regulations, outrageously high corporate taxes and outrageous protections for consumers and labor 
11. outrageous, evil support for abortion and gun regulations, with total gun confiscation being the final goal 
12. ridiculous, unfounded alarmism about climate change and its causes based mostly on flawed or fabricated data, unreliable science and corrupt, lying scientists 
13. outrageous, completely unsupported public claims that Trump, Trumpism and the Republican Party generally are in any way anti-democratic, supportive of mendacious, divisive, authoritarian, fascist, or theocratic 
14. outrageous, completely unsupported public claims that the peaceful event on 1/6 was an insurrection, a coup attempt, unlawful, violent or anything other than a lawful exercise of free speech, freedom of association and freedom of religion 
15. ridiculous, unfounded, utterly false claims that American was founded as a secular democracy with a separation of church and state intended by the drafters of the constitution 
16. advocacy of completely open borders and unlimited, unrestricted immigration
17. subversion of democracy and elections by millions of illegal immigrants, including the theft of the 2020 presidential election by millions of illegal votes
18. plans to legalize discrimination against White people by non-White communities, with the eventual goal being replacement of Whites with non-Whites in government, society and business
19. liberal lies about Republican efforts to insure election integrity being authoritarian attempts to subvert and rig elections and democracy to favor Republicans and Republican single party rule
20. blatant lies about the safety and efficacy of COVID vaccines and mask mandates, and related public health policies that amount to tyranny
21. support for defunding and disbanding police departments
22. support for Antifa and violent protest in support of socialism or communism

Q: What important criticism(s) of the left/liberalism did I leave off the list?

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