Monday, March 6, 2023

The other side of the coin…

Yesterday, our esteemed leader and blog owner, Germaine, posted an OP regarding the bad things that the collective right (republicans and conservatives) tends to criticize the collective left (democrats and liberals) of doing/believing.  So that we’re all on the same page, if you haven’t yet read yesterday’s OP, please take a look at it before continuing here (click on link above).

As a rebuttal, I suggested that in the spirit of fairness (though, as Germaine pointed out, “Fairness is the epitome of an essentially contested concept”), I suggested we should also make a list of what the collective left tends to criticize the collective right of doing/believing.

Now, I’m not sure what actual good it would do (other than cementing our personal views and/or getting personal grievances off our chests) but let’s get “the other side of the story” (i.e., how the left sees the right).

Your Task: List the collective left’s grievances of the collective right. 

I will start off the list with a dozen of my own perceived grievances of the right.  I could have gone on, but no need to hog the joint. 😉

I will update the list here with any incoming from you, the bloggers.  You may also, if you wish, give your reasons for your personal grievances, in order to bolster your argument(s). You can also add rebuttal to items others have posted, but that you disagree with.  Here we go:

  1. The right is greedy (PrimalSoup)
  2. The right sees the left as out to take away their money (PrimalSoup)
  3. The right doesn’t like to pay their fair share of taxes (PrimalSoup)
  4. The right tries to suppress voting (PrimalSoup)
  5. The right is suspicious of "the other" (PrimalSoup)
  6. The right doesn’t vote for education programs (PrimalSoup)
  7. The right doesn’t believe in climate change (PrimalSoup)
  8. The right is very into conspiracy theories (PrimalSoup)
  9. The right has no qualms about lying to bolster their arguments (PrimalSoup)
  10. The right has an unhealthy obsession with guns (PrimalSoup)
  11. The right loves unfettered regulations (PrimalSoup)
  12. The right thinks more in "me" terms than in "we" terms (PrimalSoup)
  13. The right tacitly promotes violence as an alternative to the political process (e_monster) 
  14. The right is monolithic (dubious)
  15. The shameless hypocrisy (Freeze Peach)
  16. They have been Trumpatized (SNOWFLAKE)
  17. Most of the radical right is anti-democracy (Germaine)
  18. Most of the radical right is anti-civil liberties such as abortion (Germaine)
  19. Most of the radical right is anti-privacy and voting rights (Germaine)
  20. Most of the radical right is pro-authoritarian (Germaine)
  21. Most of the radical right is pro-Christian theocrat (Germaine)
  22. Most of the radical right is anti-secular (Germaine)
  23. Most of the radical right is vehemently anti-inconvenient fact, true truth and sound reasoning (Germaine)
  24. Most of the radical right is heavily reliant on identity politics (Germaine)
  25. Most of the radical right is brass knuckles capitalist (Germaine)
  26. Most of the radical right is heavily dependent on intentionally, bitterly divisive, polarizing, dark free speech, including hate speech, slanders and debunked crackpot conspiracy theories (Germaine)
  27. Most of the radical right believes Democrats are socialist tyrants trying to establish an atheist police state, etc. (Germaine)
  28. The right makes SCOTUS Appoiintments of unqualified, neoliberal, often fanatically religious partisans who would enforce their moral beliefs on everyone (larrymotuz)

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