Sunday, March 12, 2023

Yea or nay?

I stumbled across this video this morning and was really taken by it.  I’m not in the habit of hero-worship anymore, like in my younger days, but Steve Schmidt says this so well (as usual) that I felt it was worthy of an OP here on DisPol.

So, if you have 7-8 minutes to spare (the video is really quite captivating, but you only need to see the first half to get the gist), I think it’s well worth the view. 

Some important points that were made:

- Leadership is a character test

- It should be tempered with a sense of idealism

- The candidate must be fearless about losing

- They must believe in something

- Leadership cannot be ceded to the craziest elements of a society who should be institutionalized

- A leader must be honest, including telling people about  inconvenient truths


After viewing, here are the questions:

Q1: Do you disagree with any of Steve’s comments?

Q2: What would you add to Steve’s comments?

Q3: Do you believe there are any potential POTUS prospects that meet the requirements that Steve sees as necessary?  If yes, who would that be?

Thanks for chiming in.

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