Saturday, April 1, 2023

Attn: Skeptics*…

Okay, here goes.  Just for fun/torture, let’s contemplate our notion of “Consciousness.”

First, a definition:

Consciousness: in a biological entity, the quality or state of being aware (i.e., having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact), including self-awareness.

Next, some valid (?) considerations/arguments on the subject:

1. Generally speaking, we know the “mechanics” of what our consciousness is seemingly built on/made of (i.e., what materials/matter and electrical impulses/forces are needed to spark(?) consciousness in an organic entity.

However, we have not yet managed to create life from lifelessness (i.e., biological “life force” from inert matter), nor have we created apparent consciousness in a non-biological entity form, though we are diligently working on it, with AI projects.

2. There is no categorical scientific proof or even any reasonable indication of continued consciousness after the death of a previously conscious entity.  Such is only spoken/thought of hypothetically/philosophically (as in hearsay, belief systems, wishful thinking, circumstantial evidence, etc.).

3. All judgments/evaluations of consciousness are based upon the only reference point to which we (conscious entities) have access; our currently experienced, albeit limited realm.  We use said consciousness to evaluate consciousness (i.e., use the thing to evaluate the thing).  So, any conclusions we make, regarding consciousness, are seemingly only valid within that limited context.

However, we can and do try to extrapolate other conclusions about consciousness, or anything else for that matter, based on our limited access.  As humans, it is our modus operandi.  Whether such extrapolations are ultimately true or false is not yet known, or may never be known, or may not be knowable, while limited to our current realm.  Indeed, the fact that there is existence itself seems incredible (emotional statement).  Why should/must existence exist (i.e., why is there something rather than nothing)?

4. A simple logical argument connecting consciousness to humans:

P1: Consciousness exists

P2: Humans have consciousness 

C: Therefore, existence with consciousness is not just possible but actually does happen (or, as one famous scientist put it, “If something happens, it must be possible”)

However, an…the… important question that begs to be asked is, “Does consciousness happen only because we exist?”  Is consciousness a symbiotic relationship where we are its necessary host?  If not, can consciousness exist on its own, outside our familiar realm, without a host?  Is that really IMpossible??

5: We are fundamentally just a collection of unified particles and forces, working in tandem, and that give us/enable our consciousness.  Everything else about us might be something we’d call “embellishments.” 😉



Okay, enough mumbo-jumbo.  It’s time to bring YOU, a conscious entity, into the act.  Granted, the conversation is much more complicated than what I’ve portrayed.  That is also a given. 😉  There really seems to be no end (or beginning) to what consciousness is.  But, keeping in mind the above five considerations I’ve listed, here comes the punchline (finally!):

Q: Why do you, a skeptic, reject that there could be continued consciousness after consciousness seemingly ends for us in this current realm of existence?

Now, I’m not talking about religion here, or advocating for holy book type beliefs in this OP, so please, let’s not go there!  That is a different conversation than what I’m looking to have.  And I’m not trying to talk you into anything with my suggestions.  I’m just asking you to consider/rethink your position regarding the OP question, without fear of favor (as they say in the law).  Please re-read it again now and take time to seriously think about it.  Then give us your thoughts.

Simply put, I’m asking why reject continued consciousness out of hand just because you, you lowly creature you, see no evidence?  Is that a “good enough/valid” reason for rejection?  Just because you (a skeptic) see no evidence of something doesn’t negate it.  True?  So why do you limit/prejudge consciousness as to something only in the here and now?  Is that not an illogical stance to take?

(by Primal “your lovable semi-skeptic” Soup)




  1. 1.

a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions.

"this argument failed to convince the skeptics"

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