Sunday, April 23, 2023

News bits: Supreme Court justice goes full blown radical partisan

From the Crossing New Lines Files: The Hill writes about comments that hyper-radical right justice Sam Alito made in the abortion pill decision the Supreme Court just handed down. Alito was in a minority dissent that would have supported continuance of blocking access to mifepristone. Alito was pissed:
In a dissent from the Supreme Court’s order pausing mifepristone restrictions from taking effect, Justice Samuel Alito said there were “legitimate doubts” that the Biden administration would have followed a court decision that went the other way.

“Here, the Government has not dispelled legitimate doubts that it would even obey an unfavorable order in these cases, much less that it would choose to take enforcement actions to which it has strong objections,” Alito, one of the court’s conservatives, wrote.
For context, Alito appears to me to be just as hyper-radical as Clarence Thomas. Those two are probably the most fascist of the six Republican Christian nationalist partisans on the court.

Alito's comments directly undermines the credibility of the court's independence. His comments reinforce a belief that the Supreme Court is a supporting part of the fascist Republican Party.

Christofascism watch - Radical right Republican legislators keep pushing Florida toward fascism: The Independent writes
Republican lawmakers in Florida have sparked outrage after passing a bill that LGBTQ advocates say will strip trans children from their parents' custody.

SB254 — which one former lawmaker has called "fascist" legislation — would allow the state to rip children from their parents when they are "at risk" or "subjected" to gender-affirming health care. The bill is written so that even a child of Floridian parents living out of state could trigger the law.

“I can’t believe I’m writing this,” Carlos Guillermo Smith, a former House lawmaker, and the state’s first Latino LGTBQ representative, wrote on Twitter last month. “This is fascist.”
That speaks for itself. 


Tennessee legislature punts on gun safety regulations: The TN legislature kicked two Dems out of the legislature because they disrupted the legislatures in a peaceful demonstration over gun safety laws not being passed. One GOP leader claimed the Dems were kicked out because they disrupted the legislature's ability to deal with gun safety regulations. My response to that was that the radical right TN legislature had no intention of passing any guy safety laws, ever. The NYT writes:
On Friday, just under a month after the attack at the school, Republicans instead cut short the year’s legislative session and punted on any measure dealing explicitly with guns, capping a whirlwind three months of lawmaking that underscored the power of the far-right flank of the Republican Party in Tennessee and saw the brief expulsion of two Black Democratic lawmakers.  
Within two hours of the legislature’s hasty departure, the state’s Republican governor, Bill Lee, announced that he would summon lawmakers back for a special session to revisit the debate, with details expected in the coming weeks. Mr. Lee, whose wife lost a friend in the attack, had pushed the legislature to pass an order of protection law, which, in an effort to win conservative support, had become so limited in scope that some experts said it would not even qualify as the type of “red flag law” scorned by gun rights supporters.  
But it was clear as the legislature departed on Friday that any measure that would limit access to guns, even one as narrow as the proposal championed by Mr. Lee, would face steep odds with the Republican supermajority.
The only apparent reason for Lee to call the legislature back is because his wife is in a funk about a friend being gunned down and murdered. If that had not happened, Lee would not be calling the legislature back for a watered down, meaningless safety law. This is how the radical right does politics.

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