Saturday, April 22, 2023

The "real you”…

Here’s a cold slap-upside-the-head from website BigThink.  If you’re not science-minded, it may surprise you to find out this fundamental fact.  Read on.

You are energy

Incredibly, what this all means is that 98% of the mass that makes up you and indeed all matter isn’t “stuff.” Instead, it’s a combination of kinetic (moving) and potential (binding) energy inside the nucleons. Remember, Einstein’s equation tells us that mass and energy are equivalent, so that enormous amount of energy inside the nucleons is what makes up the vast majority of our mass.

This is a staggering, mind-twisting conclusion. Rather than the intuitive idea that you are solid and made of massive atoms, much like how grains of sand make up a sandbag, you are instead mostly empty space. If you were somehow able to take a snapshot of all the atoms in your body, identifying the location of every atom, you would find empty space filled with a smattering of electrons and atomic nuclei, held together by electromagnetic energy.

Each of us proves Einstein’s equation simply because we exist.

Full article with audio link here. 

That’s right.  You are basically “nothing.”  You don’t see that or believe that because you see yourself as a sold mass (some of us more than others 😜).  But it’s so not true.  You just cannot get to that microscopic perspective from where you are.

So, if this realization "moves you," great.  Tell us about it.  

If not, carry on with your “oblivious to fundamental reality” macroscopic perspective.  No problem.  All is forgiven. 😁

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