Thursday, June 22, 2023

How the radical right does science: AI finds ugly women are liberals and mentally deranged

An article in Evie Magazine discusses research indicating that hot chicks tend to be right wingers and grumpy ones tend to be lefties. This is another fine reason for not putting your face on the interwebs. Evie writes:
Attractive Women Were More Likely To Be "Right-Wing" 
While "Left-Wing" Women Showed More Contempt

Physiognomy, the practice of deciphering a person's personality based on appearance, dates back to 500 B.C. The question is, is it pseudo-science, or does it actually hold credibility? One study published by Scientific Reports may support the theory that physiognomy may actually be legit after all.

The research took place in Denmark and utilized machine learning techniques on thousands of faces to predict their political ideology. The study, led by Stig Hebbelstrup (full name: Stig Hebbelstrup Rye Rasmussen) and his research team, explored if computational neural networks (CNN) can accurately determine a politician's political stance based on a single photograph of their face. Sounds dystopian, right? Surprisingly, the predictions were successful 61% of the time.

In the end, they were left with 4,647 images, with 1,442 of them being female. The sample was divided by both genders, and the algorithm was applied to them separately. They found that masculinity and attractiveness weren't linked to ideology in men, but happy faces (both men and women) were likely to be representatives of right-wing parties. Meanwhile, politicians who had a neutral expression or showed contempt were more likely to represent left-wing ideologies. How interesting, but we're not surprised.

Three years ago, we reported on a study that revealed over half of white, liberal women under 30 have a mental health disorder. These findings were backed by more recent data that showed that liberal women are statistically the unhappiest and most mentally ill demographic in America.
As we all know, most U.S. media leans to the left. So could the harmful narratives and advice be the reason for liberal women's unhappiness?
This is a breakthrough in dating science and politics! If you want a fun relationship, leave the ugly mentally deranged ladies alone and date the hot rabid radical right freaks. If you want crackpot radical right authoritarianism, vote for the hot chicks. MAGA!!

Given the importance of such insightful analysis, I reacted like anyone else would. What do the fact checkers say? Here's what Media Bias / Fact Check says about Evie Magazine:

There we have it. We can reasonably question whether Evie is a source, and if so, a source of what. By golly, it's a source of false claims, propaganda, pseudoscience and whatnot.

It's Kumbaya and AR-15 time in America. Stay away from the grumpy chicks. Vote for hot chicks and gird your loins for Armageddon.

Q: Who are the people who subscribe to Evie Magazine, assuming anyone actually does?

Acknowledgement: Thanks to Imperator Machinarum (in American, Emperor of the Machines) for bringing this important research to my attention

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