Sunday, June 18, 2023

Op-Ed Making America hate again

 It’s difficult these days for a political columnist to avoid writing about Don the john Trump. Less mentioned, but as important, is to figure out why it is that millions of people seem still to adore the guy.

By Robert Kahn

Deputy editor emeritus, Courthouse News

Anyone, in any country, at any time on planet Earth, might be excused for lying, cheating and stealing to save his own skin. But to lie, cheat and steal, and induce one’s underlings to tap dance to the same tune, then throw them to the sharks, is, to me, the opposite of what America pretends to be about. Or did, once.

Remember how it used to be bad to be a Sore Loser?

To whine and moan, like a crybaby?

To blame your brother, when everyone knows you did it?

To hate your neighbor?

Remember how it used to be bad to be a braggart?

To strut about and mock your weaker peers? And grind your boot into their noses?

To claim you did things you never did, and deny what you did do?

To sulk after you were caught red-handed?

Remember how it used to be un-American to refuse to stand up and take your medicine?

Nathan Hale said: “I regret I have but one life to give for my country.”

He did not say: “I regret my country has no more money and lives to give to me.”

Men on the gallows have demonstrated more courage and honesty than Little Whiny Donnie has ever shown in his life.

My favorite words from a man on his way to the chopping block were Sir Walter Ralegh’s, on Oct. 29, 1618. He was beheaded on false charges by order of King Charles of England (who was in the pay of the king of France — the very charge of which he accused Sir Walter). On his way to the block, Sir Walter espied an elderly man in the crowd. Sir Walter asked why the old man was there.

“I have come to see you die, Sir,” the old man replied.

Whereupon Sir Walter removed his wig and gave it to the old-timer, saying that the old man could make better use of it than Sir Walter ever would.

There walked a man.

Anyone who reads the indictments against Don the john Trump must be struck not just by how often he lies, cheats and steals, but how often he induces other people to lie, cheat and steal for him, then tosses them aside like used Kleenex.

That, to me, and to anyone who calls himself an American, is a grievous sin: to sell out your friends for your own advancement.

But Little Donnie doesn’t know how to be a friend. And that, my friends, is un-American.

Then there’s the matter of sexual abuse. People in my generation (Baby Boomers) were taught to respect women — or at least try, or pretend to — not abuse them just because we could, with our superior strength.

Truth to tell, millions of us did not always follow that rule. But at least, in those days, boys who bragged about it were not admired, except by their fellow idiots and rapists.

Many of us, however, tried to abide by our mothers’ rules: Stand up when a lady enters the room. Hold open the door for her and let her go first. Do not swear or use crude language in the presence of a lady. Stand up when a lady leaves the room. Show some respect.

With all the right-wing bullshit we hear today about “traditional values,” where do those values come in?

“When you’re a star … you can grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”


Yeah, you can, I guess, these days, in the Republican Party.

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