Friday, August 11, 2023

Bits: America's two-tiered justice system; CN in commerce; CN in secular society

The radical right keeps howling in self-righteous moral outrage about America's two-tiered system of justice and how it has been weaponized against the radical right. That is only half-right. The system is two-tiered, but it is rigged to heavily favor powerful elites, rich people and wealthy special interests. That rigging involves legalizing corruption of politics by money. Some of it involves treating elite criminal suspects lightly and with favors that regular dumbass taxpayers rarely get. The HuffPo writes:
There Does Seem To Be A ‘Two-Tiered’ Justice System, 
And Donald Trump Is Its Poster Child

Trump now faces 78 felony counts in three indictments but has yet to wear handcuffs, lose his passport, post bail or even have his mug shot taken
Republicans complaining about a “two-tiered” justice system might find the evidence they’re looking for in prosecutors’ treatment of their own de facto leader: Donald Trump.

From the lack of a cash bail requirement to the ability to keep his passport, to the absence of any sanctions for his attacks against judges and prosecutors, to his successful avoidance of the humiliation of a mug shot, the coup-attempting former president has been afforded remarkable deference in all three of his felony prosecutions to date.

“Most defendants who enter the federal criminal justice system do so with a knock and a warrant at 6 a.m.; handcuffs and possibly shackles; removal of cell phones, belts, shoelaces and wallets; mug shots and fingerprints; and some form of bail package,” said Danya Perry, a former federal prosecutor and now a defense lawyer. “They also face serious consequences if they issue threats or tamper with witnesses once released.”

There is a now-constant effort to force radical Christian fundamentalism on everyone in American society and commerce. The government has to go to court to defend attacked workers from Christian brainwashing and aggression. I include the term "attack" to include a worker being fired from their job based on religious discrimination, Christian Sharia law in this case. Law & Crime writes:
Home repair company employees fired for refusing to attend 
‘cult-like’ prayer meetings receive large settlement

A home repair company in North Carolina will pay a $50,000 settlement to two employees who claimed they were fired after refusing to attend daily “cult-like” Christian prayer meetings.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced. The settlement stemmed from a religious harassment, discrimination and retaliation lawsuit filed by the agency in June 2022.

“Federal law protects employees from having to choose between their sincerely held religious beliefs and their jobs,” said Melinda C. Dugas, regional attorney for the EEOC’s Charlotte District, in a statement. “Employers who sponsor prayer meetings in the workplace have a legal obligation to accommodate employees whose personal religious beliefs conflict with the company’s practice.”
It is reasonable to think that in the next year or two the radical Christian nationalist USSC will try to find a way to call that law unconstitutional. The six radical Christian nationalist Republican theocrats on the USSC can point to the employer's rights to (i) religious freedom, and (ii) discriminate against people they deem to be unworthy of a job in God's eyes. This case looks to be a good choice for doing that, assuming the home repair company decides to appeal.

The infinite loving grace of God as expressed by the American Christian nationalism (CN) wealth and power movement is being expressed more aggressively as time passes. It's been normalized by radical right elites and now all out in the open. Targeted communities that God hates are paying attention. LGBTQ Nation writes about a recent incident of CN bigotry and hate:
Rep. Matt Gaetz calls LGBTQ+ people “degenerate” while 
announcing prayer-in-schools bill

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) says that he will soon introduce what he is calling the “National Prayer in School Act” tomorrow, saying that the bill will protect the right to pray in schools and stop “degenerate LGBT” propaganda.

Students are already allowed to pray in school as long as they don’t disrupt school activities, a right that’s protected by the First Amendment. Prayer organized by public schools, though, has been banned since the early 1960s in several Supreme Court decisions.
Gaetz speaks for both himself and the CN wealth and power movement. Never loose sight of where power flows when bigoted CNs like Gaetz go on the attack.

Q: Who is the degenerate here, Gaetz or the target of his vicious hate?

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