Thursday, August 31, 2023

Interesting observations between two brothers

 So, those who attend my forum, know that my brother came a-visiting this past week. We wanted to avoid talking politics but did get into a few political discussions.

Since leaving "home" last year to move to Canada, I find myself somewhat removed (though not totally removed) from American politics.

I mentioned this to my brother and he informed me that things have gone sour back "home" in Minny as well.

How so? I asked.

He told me that practically everyone he knows, from friends to neighbors, are SO FED UP with partisan politics that they have started to tune out.

I asked him, doesn't this create a danger for the 2024 elections?

He didn't know the answer to THAT question, but suspects a lot of people might just avoid voting in 2024.

With passion running rampant across the political spectrum, I have my doubts, I believe people WILL VOTE. BUT............ back to this concern that people are tuning out.

From YOUR observations, does my brother have a point? His argument was that people are really really tired of hearing about Trump, or what is wrong with Biden, and are really really fed up about NOT hearing enough about policy. It's all the Dems are the bad guys or the Repubs are the bad guys.

Everyone calling everyone on the other side names. He insists, that were I to return to our home town for a spell, I would notice the difference myself. People just don't want to talk politics. They are ANGRY at both sides AND at the media from both sides for doing nothing but riling people up.

I know I have become a bit removed from it all because of where I live now, BUT AGAIN, could my brother be right? FROM YOUR OBSERVATIONS - are Americans tuning out? 

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