Wednesday, August 30, 2023

News bits: The CN's tax revenue war; America's civil war update; Traitors & crackpots updates

A WaPo article discusses the CN (Christian nationalist) wealth and power movement's decades-long efforts to sink radical Christian claws deep into tax revenues: 
On a private call with Christian millionaires, home-schooling pioneer Michael Farris pushed for a strategy aimed at siphoning billions of tax dollars from public schools

For decades, Farris — a conservative Christian lawyer who is the most influential leader of the modern home-schooling movement — had toiled at the margins of American politics. His arguments about the harms of public education and the divinely endowed rights of parents had left many unconvinced.

Now, speaking on a confidential conference call to a secretive group of Christian millionaires seeking, in the words of one member, to “take down the education system as we know it today,” Farris made the same points he had made in courtrooms since the 1980s. Public schools were indoctrinating children with a secular worldview that amounted to a godless religion, he said.

The solution: lawsuits alleging that schools’ teachings about gender identity and race are unconstitutional, leading to a Supreme Court decision that would mandate the right of parents to claim billions of tax dollars for private education or home schooling.

The 50-minute recording, whose details Farris did not dispute in a series of interviews with The Post, is a remarkable demonstration of how the ideology he has long championed has moved from the partisan fringe to the center of the nation’s bitter debates over public education.

A deeply religious evangelical from Washington state, Farris began his career facing off with social workers over the rights of home-schoolers and representing Christian parents who objected to “Rumpelstiltskin” being read in class.  
It is outside the courtroom that Farris’s influence has arguably been most profound. No single figure has been more instrumental in transforming the parental rights cause from an obscure concern of Christian home-schoolers into a GOP rallying cry. 
When former president Donald Trump called for a federal parental bill of rights in a 2023 campaign video, saying secular public school instruction had become a “new religion,” he was invoking arguments Farris first made 40 years ago. The executive order targeting school mask mandates that Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) signed on his first day in office cited a 2013 state law guaranteeing “fundamental” parental rights that Farris helped write.
I have said it multiple times here and say it again. The radical, bigoted CN theocracy movement hates secular education, government and law. It is patient and ruthless in its efforts to break down legal barriers the Christian church faces in making taxpayers pay for as much of Christian operations as it can get away with. Once cash floodgates are opened, Christian power will increase enormously. Extremist Christian power will probably increase too much for democracy, civil liberties and secular rule of law to withstand the onslaught.

CN's Christian Taliban elites intend to force everyone to pay it for whatever its elites choose to do, even if most people do not it done to them. This is not a majority movement. It never has been. It is a deeply corrupt, extremist minority seeking to install a Christian theocratic dictatorship on all Americans, and American government, commerce and society.  

This is just another warning. I'll keep the warnings up as long as the Christian Taliban allows it. Once they get power, I'll be silenced.

The AP writes about the deepening hate and discord rising in the courts, in Wisconsin state courts in this case:
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The conservative chief justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on Monday told the new liberal majority in a scathing email that they had staged a “coup” and conducted an “illegal experiment” when they voted to weaken her powers and fire the director of state courts.

Chief Justice Annette Ziegler, in two emails obtained by The Associated Press, said that firing and hiring a new state court director was illegal and ordered interim state court director Audrey Skwierawski to stop signing orders without her knowledge or approval.

“You are making a mess of the judiciary, the court and the institution for years to come,” Ziegler wrote to her fellow justices and Skwierawski. “This must stop. ... I have no confidence in the recent hostile takeover and the chaotic effect it has had on the court, staff, and the overall stable functioning of the courts.”

Liberals gained a 4-3 majority on Aug. 1 when Justice Janet Protasiewicz began her 10-year term after winning election in April. Conservatives had held the majority for 15 years prior to that. The emails are the latest sign of broiling tensions on the court since liberals took control.  
In their first week in power, the liberal justices voted to fire the state court director, hire Skwierawski and create a committee to do much of the work that the chief justice had done, a move that significantly weakened Ziegler. She was elected by the conservative majority to a second two-year term as chief justice in May.

Justice Rebecca Dallet, one of the four liberals, responded to Ziegler late Monday by saying she was “disappointed” that Ziegler was communicating through the media with a “deeply inappropriate, and at times partisan, tone and tenor.”

Dallet defended actions of the majority justices, saying everything they have done is constitutional.

“We are simply creating process so that a majority of the court can effectively work in the face of an intransigent and uncollegial chief who apparently insists on a public debate about issues for political purposes, rather than allow a court majority to function as it always has,” Dallet said.
Radical right authoritarian Wisconsin 
Supreme Court Justice Annette Ziegler

MTN reports that DJT vows to appeal an non-appealable order about the trial start date:
Trump Attacks Judge; Vows To Appeal Non-Appealable 
Trial Date in New Deranged Posts

Donald Trump once again went off the rails in a post on Truth Social today, attacking Jack Smith and Judge Tanya Chutkan and announcing he will appeal the date of his trial over the January 6th insurrection, which is set for March 4th, 2024.

In the post, Trump called Chutkan a "biased, Trump hating judge," and said the Trial would be based on the findings of "the January 6th Unselect Committee of Marxists, Fascists, and political hacks," and once again repeated the lie that the January 6th committee "DESTROYED & DELTED" evidence, and stated, "I will APPEAL."

The only problem with this: Trump can't appeal the trial date. Dates of trial are non-appealable. 
As far right extremism heats up in anticipation of civil war, Right Wing Watch has lots to report. One RWW article reports about biblical revisionism by what used to be crackpot, fringe far right lies and slanders:
‘Jesus Wasn’t a Pacifist’: Training Christian Minutemen to 
Remove ‘Domestic Enemies’ From Office

The “Elijah Streams” program has become increasingly focused on promoting far-right conspiracy theorists and self-proclaimed “prophets” who resolutely insist that Trump is actually still president.

The most vocal of these guests has been Johnny Enlow, a Trump cultist, QAnon conspiracy theorist, self-proclaimed “prophet,” and Seven Mountains dominionist who believes that the United States government should “function as a virtual theocracy.” Enlow, who is associated with the dominionist New Apostolic Reformation movement, has made dozens of appearances on the “Elijah Steams” program where he has incessantly spread wild conspiracy theories and made untold baseless claims for which there is no evidence.

Following Trump’s loss, Enlow openly declared that Trump would be justified in imposing martial law and calling for revolution

On Tuesday, Enlow served as a guest host on “Elijah Steams,” where he interviewed Amanda and Henry Hastings, who run a biblically based tactical weapons training program called Shoot, Move, Communicate. Henry Hastings is a former special forces commander who “transitioned to the ministry” until, he claims, he had a “supernatural encounter” in which God reportedly told him to start training up “modern-day Minutemen”—emphasis on “men.”

Jesus certainly wasn’t a pacifist,” Hastings said. “If you go to the Book of Revelation and you really get to know who the Lord is, he’s definitely not an anti-war pacifist at all. And if you want to go to the Old Covenant and see how men moved and operated, there were definite enemies. … They were people and they were enemies, and men had to go up when freedom was threatened by them and overtake and destroy those who would threaten freedom.”
Those feisty Christian nationalists are an increasingly violence-prone terrorist group. Another exciting RWW article comments:
Larry Klayman Claims ‘Citizen Grand Jury’ Has Convicted Biden, 
Calls on Military and Law Enforcement to Enforce Sentence

Klayman said that “sentencing of the corrupt Biden plan” will be held August 29. “We will then commission established law enforcement and the military to take Biden and his son and his brother into custody if they don’t turn themselves in, and frankly, put them in the slammer,” he said in a video posted on YouTube. He has promised future trials of public health official Anthony Fauci and other perceived enemies of the MAGA movement.

Klayman’s cosplay has no legal standing, but could inspire violent behavior from one of former President Donald Trump’s passionate supporters. Klayman denounced the “Marxian Jewish left” he said was persecuting Trump, calling for a “counterrevolution.” He called the judge in the Georgia indictment an “anti-white racist.” He said he believes that someone in Trump’s orbit will be harmed, which would set off Trump’s supporters.
We all hope that this crackpottery is still fringe radical right lies, crackpottery and treason. If this drivel is mainstream in the Republican Party, the situation with the radical right is a lot worse than most people imagine. 

Far right activist, liar, traitor 
and lawyer Larry Klayman

Somebody is actually paying attention to Klayman's lies and slanders,
even though he sounds a lot like Mike Lindell the crackpot pillow guy

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