Monday, August 7, 2023

Open politics-society-science-personal grievance thread

Unless I missed something, the news today is mostly repetition or repetition-adjacent. There's too much about DJT's machinations, lies and schemes to weasel out of his 1/6 treason lawsuit and milk the cult for cash to pay his legal bills. Meh, I'll pay more attention when something important happens.

I started reading Sources of the Self by the prominent philosopher Charles Taylor. I was looking for insight on morality, personal belief and behavior in modern advanced societies. But the book was too hard for me to comprehend. I had to set it aside. I suspect I could have learned a lot from that highly respected author. 

Now I'm reading Political Science for Dummies. That one is comprehensible. The first sentence of the book is, “Political science is the study of politics and more precisely power.” See, I told you to never lose track of where power flows in politics and policies. That was science and I didn't even know it. Social science to be more precise.

So, anything anyone wants to talk about?

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