Sunday, October 29, 2023

Random thoughts

I started commenting at Faux News a couple of weeks ago. Today, I was unable to comment. I've been canceled again by America's authoritarian radical right propaganda Leviathan (even bigger than a Kraken!). That makes 10 different sites that have canceled me. And the radical tyranny supporters complain about their free speech being canceled. 

Vox comments about the disaster called the Middle East:
Palestinians fear they’re being displaced permanently. 
Here’s why that’s logical.

In Israel, calls to expel Palestinians have become increasingly mainstream. Many believe an expulsion like the 1948 Nakba is possible

Since Hamas’s deadly attack on Israel on October 7, 1.4 million people have been displaced in Gaza following Israeli orders to flee south, according to the United Nations. That’s over 60 percent of the Gaza Strip’s population. In wartime, civilians sometimes have to flee an area until it’s safe to return. .... But many Palestinians worldwide fear that those who are trying to escape the fighting in Gaza will never be able to return to their homes. The displacement, they worry, will become a permanent exile.  
Most of the 2.1 million Palestinians in Gaza aren’t originally from Gaza. They’re the children or grandchildren of the more than 700,000 refugees who were expelled or forced to flee their homes in what is now Israel during the 1948 war that led to the country’s creation. This 75-year-old expulsion — which Palestinians call the Nakba, Arabic for “catastrophe” — is not a long-faded memory. It’s a deeply felt, visceral, and ongoing pain.

Christian nationalism just got significantly more powerful: Mike Johnson Conducted Seminars Promoting the US as a “Christian Nation” -- The new House speaker called for “Biblically-sanctioned government.”

Christian opacity and deceit:
Kelly's website was taken down shortly after 
Mike became speaker- they tried to hide this, but 
'twas too late

The New Republic writes about the latest mass shooting tragedy: The senseless violence has also tapped into another fruitless round of Republican leaders issuing “thoughts and prayers” to the families of victims while continuing to pocket large donations from gun lobbyists. In the last decade, the National Rifle Association has spent more than $37 million on its political lobbying, with GOP legislators reaping the bulk of it, including Senators Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell, according to data from OpenSecrets.

TNR's feisty headline for that bit is Screw You, Republicans, and Your Stupid, Useless Prayers.

Hm. The news hasn't been very good lately. ☹️

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