Friday, October 27, 2023

What America's authoritarian radical right elites want to do

In 2022, the group Documented obtained a 38 minute video that describes what ARR (authoritarian radical right) elites have planned for America. Our future will ugly, unpleasant and constrained if they get their way. The Guardian writes about what the billionaires intend:
‘Get the right cases to the supreme court’: 
inside Charles Koch’s network

Billionaire’s web of rightwing groups works to bring cases to court that could undermine core functionings of the US government

At least two of the biggest cases to be considered by the justices this term have been spurred by groups bankrolled and coordinated within the Koch universe.

Footage of an internal panel discussion between senior operatives from Koch entities held in the summer of 2022 reveals that the network has been quietly planning the current assault on the “administrative state”. The groups are seeking to exploit the supreme court’s new six-to-three rightwing majority secured by Donald Trump to dismantle vital executive powers.

Regulatory controls in their sights include environmental standards to combat pollution and the climate crisis, consumer protections against predatory lenders, and safeguards for workers’ rights. At stake is what the Strict Scrutiny podcast has called “the future of government as we know it”.

The footage, which is made public here for the first time, was obtained by the investigative watchdog Documented and shared with the Guardian. During the 37-minute panel discussion, legal strategists with several Koch-related groups expressed excitement that the new hard-right supreme court supermajority had created the potential for a concerted attack on the functions of federal agencies.  
Casey Mattox, a legal strategist at the main Koch advocacy group, Americans for Prosperity, argued that the supreme court was now “primed for a real change in the law” on federal regulations which he said amounted to a “paradigm shift”. Mattox said: “That’s why we are partnering with organizations that can get the right cases to the supreme court.”

The effort appears to have borne fruit. Two of the most significant cases before the court in the 2023-24 term, brought with the backing of Koch-linked organizations, attempt to rein back the government’s power to impose regulations on corporations.

The prominence of the cases underlines how the libertarian empire created by the Kochs is still a force to be reckoned with within US politics.

Warning 1: This is just another warning about what wealthy authoritarian radicals intend for us, regardless of their denials, deflections, distractions, lies and slanders. The USSC alone has the power to destroy democracy, civil liberties and the rule of law. That is what the billionaires want. The rule of law will be changed to protect special interests at the expense of the public interest, including the environment, honest government and civil liberties. We will have a kleptocracy where vast corruption is legalized and honest citizens have few or no protections from rape and oppression by unregulated, rapacious corporate, plutocrat and theocrat power.

Warning 2: Always keep eyes on the flow of power. When government regulations are gutted, as the ARR elites want, power flows from government and the people to wealthy special interests, dictators, plutocrats, theocrats and kleptocrats. Anyone who believes that corporations, billionaires libertarian ideologues or Christian nationalist zealots will look out for us is completely mistaken. They look out for themselves and only themselves.

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