Saturday, December 9, 2023

Christian nationalist agenda and tactics of deceit

National Association of Christian Lawmakers

At the Museum of the Bible on Tuesday night, just a few blocks from the U.S. Capitol, House Speaker Mike Johnson evaded scrutiny by reporters. He was there to receive the American Patriot Award for Christian Honor and Courage at a gala hosted by the National Association of Christian Lawmakers, a small Christian nationalist nonprofit group based in Conway, Arkansas. While reporters were allowed to watch other portions of the gala, they were not permitted to watch Johnson’s keynote.

Or so Johnson thought. According to Rolling Stone magazine, the speaker was “perhaps unaware that the event was being recorded for the NACL Facebook page.” The video is no longer available, but Rolling Stone reports that Johnson thanked the organization for not letting journalists in. “I’ll tell you a secret,” he said, “since media is not here.” God had spoken to him throughout Republicans’ weekslong effort to find a new Speaker, Johnson said. Eventually, God revealed to Johnson that he would be a Moses-like figure leading the GOP and the country through a “Red Sea moment.”

The attempt to hide these remarks from the public came the same week that Johnson announced that, in releasing security footage of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, Republicans would blur out the faces of rioters “because we don’t want them to be retaliated against and to be charged by the DOJ.” He is clearly telling Americans that he and his extremist friends want to carry out their assault on our Constitution in secret and without accountability.

At the NACL, Johnson knew he had a receptive audience. The group’s founder and president, Jason Rapert, a former Arkansas state senator, recently fretted to a reporter that “with all the troubles facing our country, with Democrats and leftists that are advocating cutting penises off of little boys and breasts off of little girls, we have reached a level of debauchery and immorality that is at biblical proportions.” He has called LGBTQ people a “cult” that promotes “unholiness, unrighteousness and immorality in our nation.” He has expressed hope that in 2024, Americans “will re-elect Jesus to be on the throne here again in our country.” Rapert believes fetuses have constitutional rights, and that abortion is worse than slavery and the Holocaust. As a state senator, he sought to amend the U.S. Constitution to obliterate the rights of LGBTQ people through a statement that marriage “is between a man and a woman.”

To most Americans, these views are extreme. In Johnson’s world, they are unremarkable. They are at the core of the “biblical worldview” that he and Rapert share as the singular lodestar of American government.

A keynote speech by the speaker of the House is a huge get for the NACL. Relative to other Christian nationalist organizations, the NACL, founded in 2019, is new and small potatoes. One might think that the speaker, who is trying to keep the truculent GOP caucus together as they resist even basic functions of governing, might have more pressing matters on his plate. But Johnson’s top priority, above all else, is holding the sprawling army of Christian nationalist agitators — from his friends inside the Beltway to every corner of red America — in a tight embrace. And the NACL will exponentially increase its exposure through Johnson, who in his short time as speaker has done much to raise public awareness about the wide-ranging network of Christian nationalist organizations, radio programs, books and conferences that most people outside of his insular evangelical world have never heard of.
At this point, the goals and tactics that ARRCN (authoritarian radical right Christian nationalist) elites routinely employ are clear and undeniable. Like global warming and the human role in it, there is no rational basis left for denial.
  • The elites who drive the ARRCN wealth and power movement ruthlessly deceives, lies and slanders using unwarranted opacity, omission of facts, faux history and other outright lies to minimize the fact that what theocratic ARRCN elites want is unpopular with most Americans, amounting to a heartless, bigoted, profoundly corrupt minority running some form of a theocratic-plutocratic dictatorship.
  • The elites intend to (i) force all Americans to life by Christian Sharia laws that allow open discrimination against groups that God deems unworthy, and (ii) obliterate tolerant secularism and replace our secular Constitution with a deeply kleptocratic Christian Sharia version of the Constitution, thereby forcing the US back to a modern version of a theocratic-plutocratic Dark Ages dictatorship. 
For ARRCN elites, the Biblical commandment to not lie is simply null and void.

NACL elites praying for the fall of democracy and the rise of 
intolerant, kleptocratic theocracy under Christian Sharia law

Hm. Some NACL elites doing the Nazi salute??
Or is that a Christian God tribute thing?

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