Tuesday, December 26, 2023

News bits: A DJT X-mas msg; A Repub X-mas msg; The DJT msg redux; Etc.

He posted this blast of lies and hate speech on Christmas day: Trump’s Christmas Message: ‘ROT IN HELL’ 😮


Other radical Republicans share the Christmas love in similar fashion: GOP Hopeful Blasted for Post Showing Tree Ornaments of Democrats in Nooses -- Derrick Evans—a former Republican state lawmaker in West Virginia convicted of participating in the January 6 siege on the U.S. Capitol—is facing backlash after posting a photo on Christmas Day featuring tree ornaments depicting Democratic leaders hanging from nooses. Evans has since deleted the post, which included figurines of leaders like President Joe Biden, Representative Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris hanging from the tree from a noose tied around their necks. Figures of former President Barack Obama, ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former presidential Chief Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci were also included in the photo.

Where does the GOP get all these haters, traitors, 
crooks, cranks, crackpots and creeps (and weirdos)?

One source comments on the DJT X-mas day screedTrump wishes electric car supporters 'rot in hell' in Truth Social Christmas message

Yeah! Go get those nasty electric car supporters, like Elon Musk -- rotten commies . . . . 

From the Seriously Behind The Times Files: The Guardian just got woke: Will Trump provoke a crisis of legitimacy for the US supreme court? -- Trump shouldn’t be eligible to run again. But America’s highest court may disagree


From the Making Them Pull Themselves Up By Their Bootstraps Files: 'Deplorable': Iowa's GOP Governor Opts Out of Summer Food Program for Kids -- Iowa's Republican-led government sparked outrage late last week by declining to participate in a federal program that would have provided low-income residents with $40 a month in additional food assistance during the coming summer.

How it’s done

From the That Darned Biden Files: Trump moans about Biden ruining Christmas with ‘madness and doom’ -- “It’s hard to have a truly great Christmas when you have a Crooked and Incompetent President who wants to put his Political Opponent in jail, and who has been working hard (for a change!), illegally using all of the levers of Law Enforcement, to do so,” he wrote on Truth Social. “We are in the fight of our lives to save our Country from MADNESS & DOOM. MAGA 2024!!!”

Well, he’s right you know. We really are in the fight of our lives to save our Country from MADNESS & DOOM. But there appears to be some confusion about the source of the MADNESS & DOOM.

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