Thursday, December 7, 2023

News bits: Republicans and racism; GOP is killing Ukraine; How dictators and kleptocrats see idiocy

Republicans are more likely to say White people experience racism than Black people. That’s not true.

There were obvious effects [of the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement]. One was that people became much more likely to point to discrimination as the central cause of economic differences between White and Black Americans. Another is that this shift occurred only among Democrats and independents; among Republicans, there was no change. Instead, the rhetoric from Republican leaders rejected the idea that there existed systemic racism in the country. Suggesting that it did was cast as unpatriotic and ahistoric.

This is another instance of ARR (authoritarian radical right) dark free speech deceiving millions of people, leading them to false beliefs. ARR elites know full well what the real racism situation in the US is. But because the fact of racism directed against non-Whites is an inconvenient truth, it gets denied and distorted into a big, immoral lie. When the ARR kills truth, there is not a shred of shame, or a twinge of moral qualm.

Congressional ARR Republicans appear to be willing to kill Ukraine. The kleptocratic dictator Putin loves it and them. The WaPo writes:
Senate Republicans block procedural vote 
for Ukraine aid package

Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a procedural vote to advance a national security bill that includes billions of dollars in Ukraine aid because it includes no changes to border security policy. Every Senate Republican voted against advancing the resolution.  
Schumer said Democrats were willing to debate a Republican counteroffer, but he had urged his colleagues on the other side of the aisle to vote with Democrats to begin debate on the existing proposal and to bring the counteroffer as an amendment to advance talks. The Republicans’ last proposal, Schumer noted, was “far away from what anyone could accept on our side.”
Once again, the importance of immigration and border control becomes a major issue. As long as the situation remains about like it is now, this could be an issue necessary to put DJT in the White House in 2024. Immigration policy is a major weakness that could easily kill both the Dems and democracy. And, at the same time, immigration could give Ukraine to Putin. Once that happens, the mass murder will be on a scale with what Hitler and the Nazis did. 

Bannon calls Hannity an ‘idiot’ for asking Trump 
if he would be ‘dictator’

“Sean Hannity actually thought he was helping Trump,” with the question, Bannon said on a recent episode of his “War Room” podcast. “Even to ask that question shows you’re an idiot. And we don’t have time for idiots bro. This is a war and we don’t have time for sunshine patriots and this nonsense.”
As we all recall, Steve Bannon coined the phrase “flood the zone with shit” to describe how ARR dictators and kleptocrats should fight the dark free speech war against democracy, civil liberties, the rule of law and inconvenient truth. Just overwhelm political opposition and inconvenient truth with divisive lies, slanders, crackpottery and demagoguery. It works.

One has to wonder if DJT might pick Bannon as his VP. Bannon is an excellent fit by his vulgar temperament and tactics, his support of dictatorship and corruption, his shameless mendacity and complete moral bankruptcy and his proven track record of criminality and kleptocracy.

From the Brass Knuckles Capitalism Files:  The AP reports about Amazon’s planned brass knuckles capitalist propaganda tactics for southern California:
Amazon’s internal plans to advance its interests in 
California are laid bare in leaked memo

An internal Amazon memo has provided a stark look at the company’s carefully laid out plans to grow its influence in Southern California through a plethora of efforts that include burnishing its reputation through charity work and pushing back against “labor agitation” from the Teamsters and other groups.

The eight-page document — titled “community engagement plan” for 2024 — provides a rare glimpse into how one of American’s biggest companies executes on its public relations [propaganda or dark free speech] objectives and attempts to curtail reputational harm stemming from criticisms of its business. It also illustrates how Amazon aims to methodically court local politicians and community groups in order to push its interests in a region where it could be hampered by local moratoriums on warehouse development, and it is facing resistance from environmental and labor activists.

The memo was leaked to the nonprofit labor organization Warehouse Worker Resource Center and posted online this week. The Associated Press independently verified its authenticity.  
In the memo outlining Amazon’s goals for next year, the company says it plans to “earn the trust” of community groups and nonprofits, such as the San Bernardino Valley College Foundation, Children’s Fund, and Feeding America, to push back against state bills “that will continue to threaten the region’s economy, and Amazon’s interests.” The two bills cited include a state legislation that, if passed, would prohibit companies from building large warehouses within 1,000 feet (300 meters) of private homes, apartments, schools, daycares and other facilities.


Note the campaign contribution tactic to cultivate politicians:

Perris Mayor Marty Vargas is an influential elected leader that we have cultivated through PPE donations to support the region, touring him and his team, and ongoing engagement.  He also influences the governing body of the San Bernardino regional air-hub (KSBD). 

IE means Inland Empire

IE = San Bernardino and Riverside counties (in red)
San Diego county, bottom left (yellow), 
pop. ~3.3 million

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