Thursday, December 14, 2023

News chunks: Elite DJT supporter calls for execution of non-Christians; The authoritarian lie about abortion

Raw Story reports about a cruel figure in the brutal kleptocratic dictatorship called Trumplandia: 

White supremacist who dined with Trump 
calls for ‘death penalty’ for non-Christians
.... [Nick] Fuentes is a white supremacist, Christian nationalist, anti-LGBTQ, authoritarian extremist who supports Trump’s “America First” doctrine.

In his livestream show on Sunday titled, “The Great Replacement is about White GENOCIDE,” Fuentes called for the “death penalty” for non-Christians, according to Right Wing Watch (video below). “Antisemitic white nationalist Christian fascist Nick Fuentes says that when his America First movement takes power, all non-Christians will be executed,” RWW reported.

Nick F, a hyper-arrogant 
pro-mass murdering Christofascist
and loyal DJT supporter

“There is an occult element at the high levels of society [yes, it's called Christian nationalism], and specifically among the Jews, and you know, whenever I see that stuff that just makes me want to proclaim louder and more firmly and more rigidly that it is nothing other than Jesus Christ. No, no pagan stuff, no false gods, no deities, no demons. It is Jesus Christ and we need to start saying that name,” Fuentes said.

“It’s the name Jesus, talk about it, say it. Pray to Him, talk about the sacrifice on the cross, that’s the answer. Because so many of the people that are perpetrating the lies and the destruction on the country, they are evil doers. They are people that worship false gods, they are people that practice magic or rituals or whatever, and more than anything those people need to be, when we take power, they need to be given the death penalty. Straight up. And, I’m far more concerned about that than I am about even non-white people or mass migration.”

“These people that are that are communing with demons and engaging in this sort of witchcraft and stuff, and these people that are suppressing the name Christ and suppressing Christianity, they must be absolutely annihilated when we take power, I’m not calling for political violence, but that cannot have any quarter in our society.” 

“We need to put up a crucifix in every home, in every room in every school and every government office to signal Christ’s reign over our country,” Fuentes declared. “Not that God needs it, but it must be outwardly expressed from the interior, that this is God's country. This is Jesus’s country. This is not the domain of atheists or devil worshipers or perfidious Jews. This is Christ's country,” he said, adding those who are “agnostic” cannot be part of his “America First” movement. “No, you must be a Christian. And you must submit to Christianity.” 

An outspoken admirer of fascists such as Mussolini, Fuentes emerged as an influential figure on the national stage during the now-infamous ‘Stop the Steal’ movement, which relied on misinformation [lots of lies and slanders] to falsely claim that Donald Trump had won the 2020 election and sought to overturn the results of it.
Stinking agnostics. Worse atheists. Jews? -- just kill ’em. Go get ’em Nick! MAGA!!

1. How is it possible to not call for violence while simultaneously calling for absolute annihilation and the death penalty for non-Christians? (Hint: It’s not possible, except in the enraged, self-righteous minds of traitors, liars and crackpots) 

2. Notice the bigotry and intolerance inherent in Christian nationalism? (I see it, even if some Christian nationalists are more less bigoted and more tolerant than Nick)

3. Can one reasonably argue that the concept of Satan lives in the minds of some humans and controls their perceptions, thinking and behavior? (I can) 

Slate writes about the sad, terrifying saga of Kate Cox, the unfortunate woman the cruel, blatantly dictatorial radical right Republican Party in Texas wanted to force her to do against her will and at threat to her life. Kate had to flee Texas to get an abortion before her pregnancy might have killed her. This is what life under a Republican Party dictatorship looks like. The Texas dictatorship will get worse as the rigid dogma of dictatorship poison flows and continues to exert increasing control over everyday life in Texas.
Who Determines Kate Cox’s Health Care

In a post-Roe world, it is judges [in red states] who get to decide what a pregnant person must do with even a nonviable pregnancy

Kate Cox: Seriously oppressed by the 
dictatorial Texas GOP

Here is a partial list of the not-medically-trained people who made the medical determination that terminating Kate Cox’s 20-plus-week-old pregnancy would not fall under an approved exception to Texas’ three overlapping abortion bans. Not one of these people, mind you, knows anything about pregnancy, medicine, or Kate Cox’s life, they each just decided that because she did not suffer from “a life-threatening physical condition aggravated by, caused by, or arising from a pregnancy that places the female at risk of death or poses a serious risk of substantial impairment of a major bodily function unless the abortion is performed or induced,” she could not access an abortion, despite the fact that her fetus did receive, from a physician, a diagnosis incompatible with life. The list of people with the moral certainty and medical acumen to restrict this woman’s access to the health care that would in fact preserve her fertility are:
  • Ken Paxton, Texas’ nearly impeached attorney general, who appealed a lower court order granting Cox permission to terminate her pregnancy, which she had received following a diagnosis of trisomy 18, a genetic anomaly that virtually always results in miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death, and frequently causes severe physical pain for the mother and may impair her efforts to bear future children. Add to the list Paxton’s crack team of lawyers who argue—as ace physicians—that Cox should just have had her abortion in Florida if she wants one so badly, then threatened to prosecute her physician and any hospital which aided Cox in Texas despite the existence of a court order specifically shielding them from prosecution.
  • All nine justices of the Texas Supreme Court, who unanimously determined on Monday in a nine-page opinion that while “no one disputes that Ms. Cox’s pregnancy has been extremely complicated,” the problem was that when Ms. Cox’s physician expressed a “good faith belief” that her condition met the legal standard for an exception, this was not a sufficient quantum of legal certainty upon which to predicate a medical judgment. While noting in their opinion that “a pregnant woman does not need a court order to have a life-saving abortion in Texas,” the great minds of the court determined that Ms. Cox could not receive a life-saving abortion in Texas without a court order.
  • Among those nine eminent medical experts, one must single out Justice John Devine, a radical Christian fundamentalist who has bragged of being arrested 37 times for protesting at abortion clinics. His election campaign included a video depicting his wife’s decision to continue a high-risk pregnancy (her seventh), which was said to likely end in the deaths of both mother and child. The mother lived. The child lived for an hour.
  • Justice Samuel Alito, who authored the majority opinion in Dobbs in such a way as to arrogate vast medical authority to himself, his colleagues, eminent historical medical experts such as Sir Matthew Hale (M.D. ostensibly received from Witch Burner College sometime in the 17th century), and amicus brief spider monkey Robert George. While it’s true that Alito neither knew nor cared about women’s medical needs in his Dobbs opinion, it’s also true that without the Dobbs opinion, the Texas Supreme Court and Ken Paxton wouldn’t be telling Katie Cox that she is, in effect, an ambulatory coffin for the duration of her pregnancy, because government was getting itself out of the abortion-regulation business.
So here we are. It’s 2023 and Texas has elected an all-Republican Supreme Court that is now asserting in a written opinion that the judiciary shouldn’t be deciding reproductive rights questions because such questions should be left to medical experts, at the exact same time that it is second-guessing a real, live medical expert and granting to itself the sole power to decide which acute medical conditions are life-threatening and which are just jolly good fun. It’s 2023, and Ken Paxton is accusing the pregnant mother of two children, who desperately wants more children, of being untruthful with the courts, while he terrorizes her physician and the hospitals at which she has admitting privileges. What is “substantial impairment of a major bodily function” if not the impairment of future childbirth? The only way Kate Cox can persuade a bunch of elected judges and lawyers (who have never met her and don’t care about her health or her reproductive future) that she should be allowed to end an excruciating, doomed pregnancy is by either: 1) dying; or 2) having a physician certify that she will die without treatment. And this macabre pretzel is what we are advised is definitionally “pro-life.”
One can only wonder why majorities of rank and file Texas voters want to live under a brutal, radical right Republican Party dictatorship. Maybe they like to think for themselves by being told what to do by radical dictators and their radical supporters in power.

Republican Party reasoning

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