Thursday, January 4, 2024


 SNOWFLAKE Mod Germaine

agreed. watch for my next thread. it will say something about Biden.

SO, here it is, a thread that says something about Joe Biden.     



Will Biden’s ego bring Trump back to the White House?

 Is Biden’s evergreen ego — his scrappy Scranton Joe determination — outpacing his ability to win a tough election, much less govern a bitterly divided country until 2029?

Will there be dire consequences because the man who had been yearning to be president since he was 46 resists giving up the job at 81? Should he have stepped aside for someone younger?

Given Biden’s legislative achievements over just three years, these are difficult questions to answer.

High-achieving leaders are always at risk of crossing a line that separates self-confidence from over-confidence, ego from hubris. Has Biden crossed this line as he hungers for a second term, leading him to potentially disastrous decisions?

Biden is far from the first American president whose great achievements could be tarnished with hubris.

Details in the above link. But question remains:

Will Biden’s ego bring Trump back to the White House?

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