Monday, January 1, 2024

New Year’s Day - open topic politics, etc. ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ‘☠️๐Ÿ˜˜

Not sure there’s much worth posting today, or yesterday. Lots of repetition or incremental change on DJT’s crusade to kill off American democracy, and its civil liberties and rule of law. More papers are being filed in various courts. DJT is making increasingly fascist and outrageous sorts of arguments in his defense. Federal courts continue to actually take DJT’s drivel, lies and hyperbolic nonsense seriously. So, no new good news on that front.

Personal notes (what?? - G does personal notes?? Call out the National Guard -- something is terribly wrong): I need to organize my herbs and spices containers. They're a mess. I'll skip going to the gym today because . . . . because I can. But I'm adding a couple of exercises to the list of five things I do at home because doing them at the gym is tiresome and boring. 

milo has commented that in the old days people didn't write about lies. To me, that is a fascinating thought. That's based on written human history according to milo. If that's true, my seat of the pants (not yet on fire) explanation is that in the old days of subsistence living, wasting time, energy or resource on lies could get a person killed. In my narrative, liars had to be killed or silenced with a sharp slap up side the head with a 2x4 (or a big stick in ancient days before 2x4s were invented). Later, when civilization advanced and there was more distance between life and death, lies in epic stories and potboiler fiction were just harmless entertainment. But nowadays, political and other kinds of lies are back to killing people. My guess is that, directly or indirectly, lies cost the human species a few hundred thousand lives per year, maybe several million.

What else comes to mind . . . . . think, think . . . . . oh yeah, climate science denier lies are causing plant and animal species to go extinct (an indirect cause-effect linkage, but nonetheless real). People who toss cigarette butts on the ground ought to be slapped hard up side the head with a 2x4 and then made to pick up 2,000 butts and put them in the trash. 

A comment or two from Cat's Paw raised this stink:

Well, that’s all the news that’s fit to print.

Starting the new year with a bang!

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