Sunday, January 7, 2024

News bits: Another reason to fear Trump; And another; And another; Whale research

Trump Calls On Supporters To Put A Stop To 
Bags Of Crap Arriving At Polling Places

Critics on social media alleged that the former president was engaging in "voter intimidation" by asking followers to monitor voting locations

Former President Donald Trump on Friday urged his supporters to put a stop to “bags of crap” arriving at polling places during this year’s election, warning of potential fraud. At a rally in Mason City, Iowa, Trump echoed his false claims that the 2020 election had been stolen from him through tactics like ballot stuffing, and said that “we’re not going to let it happen again.” .... “You should all stay in those voting booths. You should stay there and watch it. If you see bags of crap coming into the voting areas, you’ve got to stop it. You can’t let it happen, because these guys are crooked as hell. They know how to cheat.”
Hm. That looks like treason and an invitation to a second insurrection to me. But heck, what do I know. I’m just a simple farm boy from the Midwest. Gosh, I hope this doesn’t amount to irrational DJT hysteria! ☹️

Q: What does a bag of crap in a voting booth or polling place look like? 


By now, most American voters should have no illusions about who Mr. Trump is. During his many years as a real estate developer and a television personality, then as president and as a dominant figure in the Republican Party, Mr. Trump demonstrated a character and temperament that render him utterly unfit for high office.

As president, he wielded power carelessly and often cruelly and put his ego and his personal needs above the interests of his country.
Yeah, well sure, most American voters should have no illusions. But tens of millions of ’em do.

Another commentator commentated: With the disreputable Donald Trump challenging the disfavored President Biden, the 2024 race has become the embodiment of Oscar Wilde’s witticism about fox hunting: “the unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible.” .... “These are the times that try men’s souls,” Paine wrote, adding, “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.” .... If people don’t know by now that Trump tried to overthrow the government he was running on Jan. 6; if they don’t know that the MAGA fanatics breaking into the Capitol, beating up cops and threatening to harm Pelosi and hang Mike Pence were criminals, not “patriots” and “hostages,” as Trump risibly calls them; if they don’t know that Trump created the radical Supreme Court that is stripping women of their rights, then they don’t want to know, or they just don’t care.

The unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible? Good grief, what a stinking mess.

The Hill reports: Former federal judge: Trump’s violation of 14th amendment ‘couldn’t be any clearer’ -- Former federal judge Michael Luttig, who said he has spent the last three years studying the amendment, believes the high court — which currently leans Republican — will “likely look for every legitimate way possible” to avoid an opinion on whether Trump can be disqualified from running for office again.

The USSC merely “leans Republican”?? . . . . Bwahahahahaha!

Beluga whale melons are used as sonar sound wave receivers to help the whales communicate, hunt for food and locate large nearby objects.

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