Thursday, January 25, 2024

News: Republican liars in congress; The Union splinters before our eyes; Bad hearing leads the Christian Taliban astray

The Republican Party no longer bothers to try to hide the corrupt, authoritarian moral rot that has consumed it. The New Republic reports about a new example related to rotted Republicans desperately wanting Hunter Biden tossed in the slammer:
New Transcript Blows Up James Comer’s Entire Hunter Biden Argument

A new transcript from a key Hunter Biden witness undercuts many of the claims Republicans are making about “Biden corruption”

The House Oversight Committee on Tuesday released the transcript of the testimony of Kevin Morris, a friend of and attorney for Hunter Biden, and his statements undercut everything Republicans have said about the embattled first son.

Morris is a high-powered entertainment lawyer in Los Angeles who met Hunter at a 2019 presidential fundraiser for his father, Joe Biden. Morris has loaned Hunter nearly $5 million in the years since. He testified about his relationship with Hunter in a closed-door committee hearing last week.

Initially, Oversight Chair James Comer just released a list of paraphrased highlights from Morris’s testimony. Comer claimed that Morris informally loaned Hunter the money and does not expect to be repaid until after the 2024 election—or possibly ever. But the transcript shows this couldn’t be further from the truth.
In reality, Morris never once mentioned the possibility of forgiving the loans. Instead, he said he has a “100 percent” expectation that Hunter will repay him, and repeatedly states that he and Hunter have a series of promissory notes agreeing the younger Biden will pay back the money.

What’s more, Morris testified that there is a “balloon” on the loans set for after the election. This means that Hunter is currently making low or even no payments but will start making lump repayments in 2025.  
Morris also repeatedly stated that Hunter never asked him for the money. Morris would voluntarily send money through his lawyers to Hunter’s, but the younger Biden did not ask him to do so. Morris only gave Hunter cash directly once, when he bought two paintings on their second meeting in 2019. And again, he wants the rest of the money he loaned paid back with interest.  
Morris’s lawyer accused Comer last week of grossly misrepresenting what Morris actually said during his deposition. [Morris attorney] Bryan Sullivan slammed Comer’s “cherry‐picked, out of context and totally misleading” press release and demanded the representative release the full transcript.
Even before Morris testified, his lawyer asked the Oversight Committee to be fair about the testimony and not distort what he says by cherry picking comments or mischaracterizing what he says. As TNR makes clear, the Oversight Committee ignored that and mischaracterized the Morris testimony by cherry picking comments and flat out lying. This is the same reason that Hunter Biden keeps asking for a public hearing and no Republican distortions or lies about what he says. Morally rotted House Republican authoritarians wanted Morris’ and Hunter’s testimony behind closed doors so they could lie about what was said and not get called on it.

Last week before the transcript was made public, a House Republican spokesman said “the transcript will affirm Chairman Comer’s readout of the interview with Kevin Morris .... the Committee intends to release the transcript soon but we do not have it from the court reporter at this time.”

What is baffling is why the Oversight Committee didn’t just get rid of any Morris transcript and destroy recording of the testimony. House Republican liars could simply claim it was a clerical error or something. Apparently the Republicans still have not got around to smothering this little bit of transparency in government. That’s probably now on Republican the list of things in government to break (or “fix” as they would call it).

Texas radical right authoritarian governor Gregg Abbott released a 1 page statement that edges toward a declaration of succession from the Union. He says that he intends to ignore a recent USSC ruling that says federal border agents have the power to control border areas the Texas military (National Guard) has invaded and now controls. Abbott’s declaration is blunt and clear:
The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary. The Texas National Guard, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and other Texas personnel are acting on that authority, as well as state law, to secure the Texas border.


Once red states ignore USSC decisions, the rule of law has collapsed. That opens a path to civil war or a peaceful disintegration of the Union. Things are getting real interesting. In a scary sort of way. 

Colorado Pastor Says He May Have ‘Misheard’ God’s Instructions 
After Being Accused In $3.2M Cryptocurrency Scheme

An online pastor in Colorado who claims he was following God’s guidance faces charges of civil fraud in the alleged sale of $3.2 million in bogus cryptocurrency that state regulators say is “practically worthless” to those who fell for the scheme.

A legal complaint filed last week by Colorado’s securities commissioner accuses Eligio Regalado and his wife, Kaitlyn Regalado, of scamming Denver’s Christian community with counterfeit digital currency that had been promoted under the trendy moniker INDXcoin.

Confronted with the charges, Eligio Regalado released a video statement saying that he might have “misheard” the divine instructions, leading to violations of Colorado’s anti-fraud, licensing and registration laws.  
“The Lord said: I want you to build this,” Regalado claimed. “We took God at his word and sold a cryptocurrency with no clear exit.”

In a statement, state regulators claim the digital currency was marketed as a “low-risk, high-profit investment” when, in reality, the assets were undeclared and thus ineligible to be converted to cash through the typical means of a digital platform or trading exchange, rendering the coin “practically useless.”
One peanut gallery expert insightfully commented, I guess it was gods accent. He just misunderstood. In response to that, another peanut responded, God sounds like my tech guy from Mumbai?

Other concerned peanuts commented, (i) This is why you always get it in writing!, (ii) God was using Google voice and it was mistranslation! and (iii) Everyone knows God is a notorious mumbler. He misheard “rot in jail as “buy a jet.”

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