Wednesday, January 10, 2024

TDS flares up in an online DJT screed

In more solid evidence that DJT is truly a dictator in his ambition, he now publicly and directly (i) demands that Joe Biden stop all the prosecutions of himself, and (ii) threatens Biden. DJT undeniably sees himself above the law. He sees the president as having the power to prosecute or not prosecute crimes including treason. That is how DJT’s former attorney general Bill Barr acted, which is why he is now disgraced among most normal pro-democracy people, but beloved by authoritarian radical right elites.

Mediaite reports about DJT’s latest middle of the night flare up of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome):
Trump Rants For SIX Solid Minutes About Criminal 
Immunity Appeal In Falsehood-Riddled Late-Night Attack

“Because of Joe Biden. I spend a lot of time in courts. Federal. State, city. And tomorrow, I’ll be attending another Biden inspired federal appeals court argument on presidential immunity in Washington, D.C..

Of course, I was entitled as president of the United States and commander in chief to immunity. I’m entitled to immunity. Every president has immunity, especially one that did the job I did. I did a great job, and I wasn’t working for myself. I was working for the country, I wasn’t campaigning. The election was long over. I wasn’t campaigning.

I was looking for voter fraud, something that I have to do under my mandate. I have to look for voter fraud. And I was finding it, tremendous amounts of voter fraud in the 2020 election. We have volumes of information. That’s all there.

And I was doing my job, which I had to do. And it’s my obligation to do an otherwise. Running our country and running it well, we didn’t have Russia going into Ukraine. We didn’t have Israel under attack. We didn’t have China talking every day about going into Taiwan. We didn’t have inflation. We had a great economy. If I don’t get immunity, then Crooked Joe Biden doesn’t get immunity. And. All of the things he’s done to allow the border invasion. Millions and millions of people coming into our country, many from prisons, jails. Mental institutions, insane asylums, many terrorists coming into our country. That’s really allowing insurrection.

And come into a situation where he allowed the surrender to Afghanistan. We surrendered. The United States of America surrendered to Afghanistan, where we gave them $85 billion worth of free. The best military equipment anywhere in the world left thousands of hostages behind. And they were American hostages behind. Still there, many of them. And 13 dead soldiers and many soldiers so badly hurt. This is gross incompetence. We did a surrender in Afghanistan. Nothing’s ever been so embarrassing in the history of our country.

Also, the millions and millions of dollars that went into Joe Biden’s pockets with money from foreign countries like Russia, Afghanistan, China, many others. I mean, Joe would be ripe for indictment. So you’re saying that Trump shouldn’t get immunity, but Joe Biden would? I didn’t do anything like he did. I ran a great country. This guy’s gotten $3.5 million from the mayor of Moscow’s wife. What’s that all about?

And that’s the least of it. One of the reasons he’s so soft on China is because he received a lot of money from China, and he’s afraid to do anything about it or say anything because he knows he’s afraid to say, we have a manchurian candidate in Joe Biden. We have to get him out.

By weaponizing the DOJ against his political opponent. Me, Joe Biden has opened a giant Pandora’s box. As president. I was protecting our country and doing a great job of doing so. And the historians will be saying that they already are. But just look around at the complete mess that Crooked Joe Biden has caused.

He’s the worst president in the history of our country by far. He’s also the most corrupt president. The least I’m entitled to is presidential immunity, just like any other president would get. I’d be the only one that they would even consider not giving me immunity, because for whatever reason, people are angry that I’ve done such a good job and I’ve replaced people that were corrupt that was supposed to be president. So take on the fake Biden indictments. They’re all Biden indictments. These aren’t indictments, as we say, like God coming down from heaven and saying you did something wrong. These were indictments given and pushed by Joe Biden. And he told his DOJ to do it. Don’t believe anything else. He told his DOJ to do it. Go and indict him because he’s losing badly in the polls so badly that he figures this is the only way that he can win.

The only problem is that thus far, it’s pushed us way up in the polls, higher than anybody’s ever been, actually, because people see it’s a scam and they see it’s a persecution and they don’t like it when it comes to anything, but certainly not when it comes to a president. They’re running a political campaign in a dirty way, even worse than they did previously. And frankly, it’s never happened in our country before. It only happens in third world countries or banana republics. They using their department of injustice to go after his a political appointment. And this is all him, 100% him. He’s the one that told him to do it and they obey his orders. It’s a shame never happened in the United States before, but it’s happened now.

And he has to be careful because that could happen to him also. The next president, whoever that may be, has a statute of limitations that go back six years. That’s a long time, Joe. You have to be very careful. We have to guard and protect our country. We have to do what’s right for our country.

You don’t indict your political opponent because he opposes the corrupt election, which you know was corrupt. Everybody knows it was corrupt. The American public knows it was corrupt. You don’t indict your political opponent. Thank you very much.”
Sadly and frighteningly, there still are millions of adult Americans who cannot see much of an anti-democratic, kleptocratic authoritarian threat from a former president who openly committed treason in his 1/6 coup attempt and his blatant morally rotted criminality while in office and thereafter. Tens of millions of American voters actually support this lying, kleptocratic wannabe dictator.

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