Monday, January 29, 2024

The US betrays and abandons the Ukraine? (Looks like it)

PD cited this video in some of his comments. It speaks for itself:

Redefining success in Ukraine smells
rather like the Vietnam failure sold to us as
Peace With Honor
It sure sounds a lot like the MSM starting to pound the American public with propaganda to soothe consciences about abandoning the Ukraine to the Russians. The goal is to justify the catastrophe that the Ukraine is going to experience once Putin’s Russia overruns the whole country, committing genocide in the process. If this marks the beginning of American abandonment of the Ukraine, it makes me ashamed to be an American. 

Good job, two-party system! 
Well done!
So, of the two parties, who gets the credit for this moral and human disaster? Repubs, maybe ~75% and Dems, maybe ~25%? ~80-20? ~50-50? 

Q: Does this reflect the morality and belief of most Americans, assuming (i) we are going to abandon the Ukraine, and (ii) average Americans understand what is happening?

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