Thursday, February 8, 2024

News bit & some thoughts

Larry Motuz mentioned this 8 minute news video about Project 2025 and how Steve Bannon characterizes what the effort intends. In short, Project 2025 is reasonably described as an effort to replace professional, mostly honest and competent, bureaucrats in the executive branch with corrupt radical right bigots loyal to Trump and his rule. They will not be loyal to the Constitution, the rule of law or civil liberties. Trump will determine what is Constitutional, legal and a civil liberty. The anti-democratic, authoritarian intent behind Project 2025 cannot be much clearer. 

I am not sure if posting content like this is more harmful than helpful. By now, most people at DP are aware of the authoritarian radical right situation and Project 2025. Polling currently indicates that most people are either aware of the bigoted authoritarian threat and fear it (most Dems), or they are mostly unaware, don't know about it, don't care, deny it or support it (most Repubs). 

What do you think, mostly helpful, mostly harmful or ambiguous? Too repetitive or not repeated enough? 

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