Friday, February 16, 2024

News bits: Putin murders Navalny; Republican opposition to DJT completely collapses

Everyone should be reporting that Putin has murdered Putin critic Aleksei A. Navalny. What they are reporting is Russian authorities say the Putin critic died in prison. Died in prison is another evil, lie and insult to the world by the corrupt, murdering thug dictator Putin. The Hill reported that Navalny was fine when seen in public in a court room the day before Putin had him murdered. As far as I can tell, Navalney's death has not yet been confirmed, so maybe there is a faint hope he is still alive and Putin is just playing cruel, cynical propaganda games.

Note, Putin is a guy that Trump praises and wants to be like. Trump and Putin are far worse than merely disgusting.

The NYT writes a truly terrifying analysis about DJT completely taking over GOP leadership power. No one in the GOP leadership is standing up to him or his kleptocratic dictatorship agenda any more. He is now dictating that the party will degenerate into a corrupt, authoritarian monster (full article here not behind paywall): 
Trump Fully Devours the Republican Establishment 

Long a dominant force over the party’s institutions, he is now moving to fully eradicate their independence and remake them in his own image

Donald J. Trump is stamping out the final flashes of independence inside Republican institutions with astonishing speed, demonstrating that his power continues to expand over the new party establishment he has created.

At the Republican National Committee, he is moving to replace longtime supporters with allies even more closely bound to him, including his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump.

In the House, Republicans are more compliant than ever. Most vividly, Speaker Mike Johnson — ostensibly the party’s top-ranking official — backtracked on an endorsement in a crucial Senate race because Mr. Trump disagreed. On Thursday, Mr. Johnson’s candidate ended his campaign less than one week after opening it.

The displays of obedience emerging in recent weeks remove any lingering doubt that the Republican Party is aligned to advance the interests of one man, signaling that a sweep of victories from Mr. Trump and his allies in November could also mean replacing checks and balances in Washington with his wishes and whims.  
At multiple points during the past two years, the former president floated the possibility of canceling the primary process during discussions with Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, according to two people familiar with the conversations. (And that is why DJT forced McDaniel out of her Repub Party position)
Again, the MSM is freaking, stunningly clueless. What DJT and his cadres of corrupt thugs and raging ideologues want to do if he gets back in power is not in question. It does not mean they could (or might, or may perhaps) replace checks and balances. They absolutely will replace whatever little is left of checks and balances. Who or what is going to stop them? The USSC? Nope. The Dem Party? Hell no. Disgruntled voters? Nope. Jesus? Nope. Heck, Jesus is working for DJT, not against him.

Do not forget Project 2025. It is deadly serious about killing democracy and establishing some form of a kleptocratic dictatorship (corrupt autocracy, corrupt plutocracy, and/or corrupt Christofascist theocracy). 

It is not enough for conservatives to win elections!
Got it? I hope so.

Paul Dans has been involved in the creation of Project 2025, an authoritarian battle plan for the next Republican president, as part of his work at the Heritage Foundation. This project includes a nearly 1,000-page plan that outlines changes for nearly every agency across the government, with a focus on various policy areas such as climate, energy, and government restructuring

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