Saturday, February 17, 2024

Our weak rule of law and our morally rotted political elites

An article the Daily Beast published yesterday reports about sex, drug and alcohol parties where Matt Gaetz was having fun and sex with lots of other people:
Witness Told Feds She Was Paid for Sex Parties With Matt Gaetz

When ABC News reported on Wednesday that the House Ethics Committee had acquired text messages between a young woman involved in the sex trafficking investigation and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a Gaetz spokesperson told ABC that the congressman “does not know anything about the woman you’re referencing.”

That seems extraordinarily unlikely.

The Daily Beast can now report that this woman told prosecutors in 2021 that she had sex with Gaetz at a drug-fueled party that she was paid to attend, according to the woman’s attorney.

This attorney told The Daily Beast on Thursday that the woman, in fact, received payments in connection with multiple sex parties with people in Gaetz’s circle. Her lawyer said that, in response to a subpoena, she testified about her experiences to the U.S. Attorneys investigating Gaetz. And she turned over text messages, photos, and other evidence to the Justice Department as part of its child sex trafficking inquiry into the Florida congressman, the lawyer said.

The DB article goes on to comment that the House Ethics Committee is reviewing the evidence in its inquiry into whether Gaetz paid for sex with women and with an underage teen. The Ethics Committee inquiry is looking at allegations of public corruption, solicitation of prostitution, habitual use of hard drugs, bribes or impermissible gifts, campaign finance violations, and exhibiting nude photos of sexual partners on the House floor.

The weakness in the law arises here from heavy drug and alcohol use at the parties. According to the DB, the booze and drugs addled brains and muddled memories of events. (Was I at that party?) Or, as DB put it: “The availability of vast amounts of alcohol and controlled substances gave rise to the lack of control of the hormonal imperative,” this lawyer continued, “which inspired people to engage in intimate behavior that may or may not have been because they were financially remunerated.”

There we go, lack of control of hormonal imperative that inspired people to engage in intimate behavior, maybe being paid for it or maybe not. Who knows? The people in attendance were not fully present in view of their narcotized brains, gonads and whatnot, so what can they know about it?

This nice lady who partied with Matty-poo showed party-related Venmo transactions to investigators. Between March and July 2017, she got nearly $2,500 across multiple payments from Gaetz’s then-best friend, locally elected tax collector Joel Greenberg. The descriptions Greenberg entered for her payments included “travel,” “being cool” and “stuff.” 

Being cool? Stuff? Travel?? Nude sex partner photos in the House?? 😮

Geez, all of this has to be true because no one can make it up. 

Gaetz for DJTs VP pick!! 

Gaetz self-righteously scolding us 
about a thing or two

Because of ‘Black National Anthem’ Performance
-- So there you socialist pedos and pervs!)

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