Friday, March 8, 2024

News bits: A tale of two brains: How about that SOTU by JB?; Etc.

Salon reports commentary about two old brains by psychologist John Gartner, who contributed to the book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President

I had to speak out now because the 2024 election might turn on this issue of who is cognitively capable: Biden or Trump? It's a major issue that will affect some people's votes. Not enough people are sounding the alarm, that based on his behavior, and in my opinion, Donald Trump is dangerously demented. In fact, we are seeing the opposite among too many in the news media, the political leaders and among the public. There is also this focus on Biden's gaffes or other things that are well within the normal limits of aging. By comparison, Trump appears to be showing gross signs of dementia. This is a tale of two brains. Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing.

Old brain, demented brain, Abby Normal brain.


Reporting by MSM sources generally say that Biden gave a pretty good State of the Union speech last night. It was better than I expected, despite some criticism that the speech was “too political”, whatever that means. The NYT reported that House Speaker Mike Johnson hated the speech and made it crystal clear in real time. He openly let his facial expressions show how repulsed and disgusted he was. I take Johnson’s insulting, childish insolence as a sign that Biden did well in the speech.

One can only wonder what is wrong with Johnson’s brain. Joe’s seemed to be more than adequate by the standards of the day. My professional diagnosis is that Johnson is a self-righteous, theocratic Christian nationalist, and a morally rotted, corrupt one at that.

The HuffPo reports about what North Carolina TTKP (Trump Tyranny & Kleptocracy Party, formerly the Republican Party) voters picked as their nominee for governor:
Mark Robinson’s Bizarre Ramble: ‘I Absolutely Want To Go Back To The America Where Women Couldn’t Vote’ -- In a newly unearthed video from 4 years ago, North Carolina’s GOP nominee for governor says America was better then because Republicans “fought for real social change.”

In what is now the usual TTKP KYMS (Keep Your Mouth Shut) tactic in the face of inconvenient questions, Robinson’s campaign and his government office did not respond to requests for comment. 

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