Saturday, March 16, 2024

News bits: Tax increase myths; Court decides on interest conflict; About Sotomayor

Robert Reich debunks 12 popular myths about tax increases for wealthy people. 

Thanks to MC63 for bringing this video to my attention.

The Hill reports about the judge’s decision to let prosecutor Fanni Willis remain on the case even though her sex affair created an appearance of a conflict of interest:
Georgia Judge Scott McAfee has provided a pathway for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) to move forward with criminally prosecuting former President Trump, but he also gave her a scolding reprimand over a romance with a top prosecutor.

McAfee said Trump’s election interference case can proceed with Willis at the helm so long as her once-romantic partner, special prosecutor Nathan Wade, steps aside. [which he has now done]

His 23-page decision went on to criticize the district attorney at multiple turns — both over the romance itself and her public comments — saying Willis created an appearance of a conflict.

“Our highest courts consistently remind us that prosecutors are held to a unique and exacting professional standard in light of their public responsibility — and their power,” McAfee wrote. “Every newly minted prosecutor should be instilled with the notion that she seeks justice over convictions and that she may strike hard blows but never foul ones.”

While the judge didn’t outright call anyone a liar, he did note “reasonable questions” that Willis and Wade weren’t truthful when they testified under penalty of perjury.

“However, an odor of mendacity remains,” McAfee wrote. “The Court is not under an obligation to ferret out every instance of potential dishonesty from each witness or defendant ever presented in open court. Such an expectation would mean an end to the efficient disposition of criminal and civil proceedings.”
The bit about the odor of mendacity is troubling. DJT is probably going to use this to slow the proceedings. Presumably he will appeal all the way up to the USSC if that is possible. In the end, the Georgia election interference case could just blow up and go away.  

Graham rips ‘nonsensical’ ruling on Fani Willis disqualification: 
‘Today is a sad day for Georgia’

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) criticized Georgia Judge Scott McAfee’s “nonsensical” ruling not to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) for once having a romantic relationship with a prosecutor she appointed to the case against former President Trump.

Graham said “politics” is hanging over the election interference case against Trump and his allies, and McAfee’s decision “reinforces” the narrative of a “two-tiered” justice system going after the defendants.
This decision is not nonsensical. But it is helpful to DJT’s court case and MAGA propaganda generally. Willis really screwed the pooch and all of us she she decided to have sex with a guy she put on the prosecution team. What an idiot move.

A month or so ago, we all remember that I posted about Sonya Sotomajor pulling a Ruth Bader Ginsberg and dying while DJT was in office again. She travels with a medic in case of a medical emergency. That fact prompted me to instantly think, ‘Aw crud! Here go again. Another RBG is just waiting to happen.’ Welp, fellow worry warts (and other kinds of warts), someone else has the same concern. Bloomberg Law writes
Quiet Fears About Sotomayor Echo Ginsburg Retirement Concerns

Justice Sonia Sotomayor made a point of describing how “tired” she is at a recent public event and how she’s working harder than expected on the eve of turning 70.

But the nation’s first Latina on the US Supreme Court has faced little public pressure from progressives to retire ahead of the November election in which Republicans could regain control of the White House, Senate—or both.

Progressives similarly felt uneasy calling for Ruth Bader Ginsburg to step aside while Barack Obama was in office. Some regretted that silence when her death from pancreatic cancer at 87 mere weeks before the 2020 election paved the way for a 6-3 conservative court.

As was the case with Ginsburg, a feminist icon, there is a sensitivity in pushing for the retirement of the first woman of color to serve on the Supreme Court, said Paul Collins, a legal studies and political science professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

“The optics of that don’t look great in many progressive circles,” said Collins, who co-authored a book on the impacts of race and gender in Supreme Court confirmations.
If the RGB scenario comes to pass, the Trump Tyranny & Kleptocracy Party (formerly the GOP) will have a 7-2 majority. And this time the 7th vote will not be a product of Leonard Leo. It will be a product of a corrupt, bigoted authoritarian horror that DJT and MAGAlandia elites dredge up out of the sewer.

Just my humble opinion.

DJTs next nominee in action 😮

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