Monday, March 18, 2024

The never-ending national/international nightmare…


Okay, I got a whopper for you this morning. 😮

As was to be expected, so far all legal cases involving one Donald J. Trump are getting delayed, thus denying the public’s right to a speedy trial (i.e., “People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook,” a la Nixon).  Trump’s desire to delay, delay, delay any and all prosecutions is his go-to move, his modus operandi, his “whatever it takes” maneuvers (ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough…). 

As a result, we’ve got quite the clown show going.  Let’s review:

- A critical D.C. case before the SCOTUS on whether or not a U.S. President has total immunity against all acts taken, including… wait for it… fomenting an insurrection (there’s an eye-roller for ya).

- A Georgia flub-up (appearance of wrongdoing) with a DA endangering Trump’s (et. al.) RICO case with her bad judgment; an affair with the lead prosecutor whom she appointed to handle the case.  There’s another “duh” moment.

- A Manhattan DA/DoJ/SDNY/who the hell knows? screw-up with a last minute “documents dump” on Trump’s attorneys (tens of thousands of items), causing further delay in the “hush money”/“falsifying business records” case.  That was a “Coulda hada V8” forehead slap moment for me, when I heard about it. (Looks like we’re in a Keystone Kops slapstick sitcom.)  For crying out loud!  O.J., eat your heart out!  You are not alone!  Incompetence abounds!

- An inexperienced DJT-appointed Florida judge, whose rulings have already been twice reversed by the 11th Circuit Appeals Court, all of whom were republican appointees.  A Florida judge who continues to give the Trump team every benefit of every doubt on his “stealing” and “concealing” highly classified documents, feeding right into DJT’s delay tactics.

- An USAG who lets a special counsel, Robert Hur, get away with smearing Joe Biden, even though it was, and still is to this day, a nothingburger, tainting the general public's opinion of Biden with falsehoods in favor of DJT, and thus giving Trump even more advantage with his low-info cult voters.

- Appeals after appeals after appeals, ad infinitum, still winding their way through the various backlogged courts.

And this is all just off the top of my head!  What am I NOT thinking of?  There are so many Trump lawsuits pending that it’s practically impossible for us regular folks to keep them all straight.  So, if I got anything wrong here, please feel free to correct me.

Yes, seemingly for better or for worse, the U.S. legal system is one contorted (spaghettified) system.  If you want something, some precedent, you will find it somewhere out there in the vast smorgasbord of legality, and figure out a way to work it into the picture for your own benefit.  There’s something for everyone!  “How may we (the legal system) help you?”

*   *   *   *

Most pundits and legal minds are saying there is a “slim to none” chance that any legal trial outcomes will take place before the November general election. I’m starting to really believe that myself.  And I’m wondering if, in the long run, that’s a good thing.  I wonder what you think.

So, let’s speculate on which is better for achieving justice.  I’m just spitballing here, and in my usual overly-dramatic way [i.e., I outlined it].  Consider these two (rough draft) scenarios I knocked out: 

Scenario I.

At least one DJT trial takes place BEFORE the November election. 


  1. Trump is found guilty.

  1. A guilty finding may catapult Trump into national martyrdom.  

  2. Trump plays the sympathy card on the voting public and in the media.  Media gives him unending free airtime.  This happens in between when he’s found guilty but before he has to report to jail.  Or, even after he has to report to jail, though his name remains on all ballots (thank you SCOTUS!) 

  1. The sympathy card catapults him into being re-elected.  Or, it doesn’t work.

  2. The sympathy card fails and he gets scorn from everyone, including his fellow Republicans.  He’s now finally a goner.

  1. Trump is found not guilty.

  1. His image is bolstered in the population at large.  

  2. He gets a bump in the polls resulting in a win in the November election.

  3. All hell breaks loose, as it did before. But now a dictator is in total charge.

  1.  Hung jury (go back three spaces! Do not pass GO.  Do not collect even $200 worth of justice). 😭

Scenario II.

No DJT trials take place until AFTER the November election.


  1. Trump wins the November election.  

  1. He dismisses all federal cases against him  

    1. He will still have to find a way to deal with state cases, and you better believe he will.  They will miraculously “go away.”

  1. Trump loses the November election. 

  1. That means the chances that he must eventually stand multiple trials is very high 

    1. There is a good likelihood that he will be convicted on something (of the current 88 counts).

  2. Societal/civil unrest.  

    1. Will it or will it not happen?  (It did before.)


  • Help me think through the various possibilities.  Fill in any missing pieces.  

  • Do you think it is better or worse for any DJT trials to take place before the November election?  Give your analysis as I did.

Right now I’m talking about “trials or no trials.”  But if you want to veer off into other scenarios go ahead.   Many variables and possibilities are in play. 

  • Is there a Scenario III., IV., V… (e.g. stroke, heart attack, assassination, resignation, illnesses, fleeing the country, some unexpected “October surprise,” nuclear holocaust, armageddon, other)?  Speculate on what this November will look like.  Just (IYO) In Your Opinion.

(by PrimalSoup)

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