Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The stigma of depression…

I see a lot of commercials on TV these days about depression, and medicine you can get to help stave it off.

I know I have mentioned this before here, but I have been taking generic Celexa (Citalopram) (10mgs per day), a medication for depression, for at least 25 years now, maybe longer.  

I was once overly sensitive about things I had absolutely no control over and that many would think was no big deal. I’d hear someone yelling at their kid and I’d have to leave the area, I couldn’t stand to be around it. I’d see a dead squirrel on the street and I’d start crying. It came to a point where I knew I needed to address it somehow.  I did so through medication. I’m in much better control of myself nowadays, I’d say thanks to that med.  If I go off of it, which I've tried, I get that "black cloud feeling" come over me again, after a few days.

I really have a great life, so it's nothing like that. It's the bigger world I'm talking about that can bring me down.

But I’ve got a question. Why is depression seen as a shortcoming?  I’d say it’s a rather normal thing, or should be.  Anyone who is not depressed about the state of the world is the one with the problem, IMO. 

Talk about the stigma of depression. 

  • Are you ever depressed?  If yes, what have you done about it? 
  • How do you deal with the cruelties and other evils of the world around you (e.g., ignore them, avoid them, pretend they’re not there, accept them and move on, find/get religion to lean on, don’t give a fuck about them...it’s not your problem, other)?

Give me some advice on the best way to deal with what I’d call “normal depression.” 

(by PrimalSoup)

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